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Agro-textile mulching — why is it worth it?

At Samm­ler, we believe that your gar­den is worth the best prod­ucts. One of them is black agro fleece for mulchingwhich is spread on the ground around the plants to pre­vent weed growth. It also allows for ful­ly organ­ic cul­ti­va­tion, with­out the need for her­bi­cides, or weed killers. Agro-tex­tile mulching fab­ric At the same time, it allows rain­wa­ter to pen­e­trate the roots of the plants, pro­vid­ing them with the right con­di­tions for growth. It is advis­able to cov­er the mulching with it as soon as the seedlings are placed, in order to main­tain impec­ca­ble aes­thet­ics on your plot and save your­self the extra work of pulling weeds. The agro-tex­tile mulch avail­able in our sale is strong enough to last for many sea­sons.

Which mulching agro fleece to choose — black or brown?

Agro-tex­tile mulching fab­ric black effec­tive­ly absorbs all sun­light. In addi­tion, our prod­uct has spe­cial UV pro­tec­tion, so it also pro­tects against water evap­o­ra­tion from the ground. It ensures that the fruit or veg­eta­bles grown on it, intend­ed for har­vest­ing, will not be con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed from the ground. We offer a wide range of cov­ers in dif­fer­ent colours — black and brown. Agro-tex­tile mulching fab­ric black pro­vides bet­ter pro­tec­tion against weeds and the dry­ing out of the sub­strate. It is rec­om­mend­ed for crops that par­tic­u­lar­ly need water for growth. Brown, although it per­forms the same func­tions, is less pro­tec­tive of the crop, but blends in per­fect­ly with the nat­ur­al colour of the sub­strate.

We rec­om­mend our prod­ucts for fruit grow­ers, gar­den­ers, for­est nurs­ery man­agers and pri­vate indi­vid­u­als. If you need weed con­trol, you can only do it with us. We invite you to place your orders.