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Terms and conditions of the newsletter

Terms and conditions of the SAMMLER RECBORD shop newsletter

The pro­vi­sions relat­ing to the Pre­ferred Entre­pre­neur apply to con­tracts con­clud­ed from 1 Jan­u­ary 2021.

§ 1 Def­i­n­i­tions
§ 2 Newslet­ter
§ 3 Com­plaints
§ 4 Per­son­al data
§ 5 Final pro­vi­sions


Con­sumer — con­sumer with­in the mean­ing of the Civ­il Code.
Newslet­ter — a ser­vice pro­vid­ed free of charge by elec­tron­ic means, where­by the Cus­tomer may receive from the Ser­vice Provider by elec­tron­ic means pre-ordered mes­sages con­cern­ing the Store, includ­ing infor­ma­tion on offers, pro­mo­tions and news in the Store.
Priv­i­leged trad­er- an indi­vid­ual who enters into a con­tract with the Ser­vice Provider that is direct­ly relat­ed to his or her busi­ness activ­i­ty, but which is not pro­fes­sion­al in nature for him or her (def­i­n­i­tion applic­a­ble to con­tracts con­clud­ed from 1 Jan­u­ary 2021 onwards).
Shop — SAMMLER RECBORD online shop oper­at­ed by the Ser­vice Provider at the fol­low­ing address
Cus­tomer — any­one using the Newslet­ter ser­vice.
Pri­or­i­ty cus­tomer — Con­sumer or Busi­ness Priv­i­leged.
Ser­vice provider — SAMMLER Spół­ka z ogranic­zoną odpowiedzial­noś­cią [SAMMLER Lim­it­ed Lia­bil­i­ty Com­pa­ny] with its reg­is­tered office in Poz­nań (61–696), ul. Serb­s­ka 17/6, entered in the Reg­is­ter of Entre­pre­neurs of the Nation­al Court Reg­is­ter kept by the Dis­trict Court Poz­nań — Nowe Mias­to and Wil­da in Poz­nań, VIII Com­mer­cial Divi­sion of the Nation­al Court Reg­is­ter under num­ber: 0000412881, NIP: 7773224573, REGON: 302060570, share cap­i­tal of PLN 75,000.00.

§ 2 Newsletter

  1. The cus­tomer can vol­un­tar­i­ly use the Newslet­ter ser­vice.
  2. In order to use the Newslet­ter ser­vice, a device with a web brows­er in the lat­est ver­sion, sup­port­ing JavaScript and cook­ies, with access to the Inter­net and an active e‑mail account is required.
  3. Emails sent as part of this ser­vice will be sent to the email address pro­vid­ed by the Cus­tomer when sign­ing up for the Newslet­ter.
  4. In order to con­clude an agree­ment and sign up for the Newslet­ter ser­vice, the Cus­tomer shall pro­vide in the first step in the Store his/her email address to which he/she wish­es to receive mes­sages sent under the Newslet­ter. Upon sign­ing up for the Newslet­ter, a ser­vice agree­ment is con­clud­ed and the Ser­vice Provider shall com­mence pro­vid­ing the ser­vice to the Cus­tomer — sub­ject to sec­tion 5.
  5. For the prop­er exe­cu­tion of the Newslet­ter ser­vice, the Cus­tomer is oblig­ed to pro­vide his/her cor­rect e‑mail address.
  6. Mes­sages sent as part of the Newslet­ter will include infor­ma­tion about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of unsub­scrib­ing, as well as a link to unsub­scribe.
  7. The Client may unsub­scribe from the Newslet­ter, with­out giv­ing any rea­son or incur­ring any costs, at any time using the option referred to in para­graph 6 or by send­ing a mes­sage to the Ser­vice Provider’s email address:
  8. If the Cus­tomer uses the unsub­scribe link from the Newslet­ter or sends a mes­sage request­ing to unsub­scribe from the Newslet­ter, this will result in imme­di­ate ter­mi­na­tion of the con­tract for the pro­vi­sion of this ser­vice.

§ 3 Complaints

  1. Com­plaints regard­ing the Newslet­ter should be report­ed to the Ser­vice Provider at the email address:
  2. The Ser­vice Provider will respond to the com­plaint with­in 14 days of receiv­ing the com­plaint.

  3. In the event that the com­plaint pro­ce­dure fails to pro­duce the result expect­ed by the Con­sumer Cus­tomer, the Con­sumer may avail him­self of, among oth­er things:
    1. medi­a­tion con­duct­ed by the local­ly com­pe­tent Voivod­ship Inspec­torate of Trade Inspec­tion, to which a request for medi­a­tion should be sub­mit­ted. As a rule, the pro­ceed­ings are free of charge. The list of Inspec­torates can be found here:;
    2. with the assis­tance of the com­pe­tent per­ma­nent con­sumer arbi­tra­tion court oper­at­ing at the Provin­cial Inspec­torate of Trade Inspec­tion, to which a request for con­sid­er­a­tion of the case before the arbi­tra­tion court should be sub­mit­ted. As a rule, the pro­ceed­ings are free of charge. A list of courts is avail­able at:;
    3. free assis­tance from the munic­i­pal or dis­trict con­sumer ombuds­man;
    4. ODR’s online plat­form avail­able at:

§ 4 Personal data

  1. The admin­is­tra­tor of the per­son­al data pro­vid­ed by the Cus­tomer in con­nec­tion with the Newslet­ter sub­scrip­tion is the Ser­vice Provider. Detailed infor­ma­tion on the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data by the Ser­vice Provider — includ­ing the oth­er pur­pos­es and grounds for data pro­cess­ing, as well as the recip­i­ents of the data, can be found in the Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy avail­able at the Shop — due to the trans­paren­cy prin­ci­ple con­tained in the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment and of the Coun­cil (EU) — “RODO”.
  2. The pur­pose of pro­cess­ing the Cus­tomer’s data is to send the Newslet­ter. The basis for the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data in this case is the ser­vice con­tract or actions tak­en at the request of the Ser­vice Recip­i­ent aimed at con­clud­ing it (Arti­cle 6(1)(b) RODO), as well as the legit­i­mate inter­est of the Ser­vice Provider con­sist­ing in the pro­cess­ing of data for the pur­pose of estab­lish­ing, inves­ti­gat­ing or defend­ing pos­si­ble claims (Arti­cle 6(1)(f) RODO).
  3. Pro­vi­sion of data by the Cus­tomer is vol­un­tary, but at the same time nec­es­sary to pro­vide the Newslet­ter ser­vice. Fail­ure to pro­vide data means that the Ser­vice Provider will not be able to pro­vide this ser­vice.
  4. The Ser­vice Recip­i­en­t’s data will be processed until:
    1. The cus­tomer will unsub­scribe from the Newslet­ter;
    2. the pos­si­bil­i­ty for the Client or the Ser­vice Provider to assert claims relat­ed to the Newslet­ter ceas­es;
    3. the Clien­t’s objec­tion to the pro­cess­ing of his/her per­son­al data is accept­ed — if the pro­cess­ing was based on the legit­i­mate inter­est of the Ser­vice Provider

- whichev­er is applic­a­ble in the case and which is the lat­est.

  1. The Cus­tomer is enti­tled to request:
    1. access to their per­son­al data,
    2. their rec­ti­fi­ca­tion,
    3. dele­tions,
    4. lim­i­ta­tion of pro­cess­ing,
    5. trans­fer of data to anoth­er con­troller
      as well as the law:
    6. to object at any time to the pro­cess­ing of data on grounds relat­ing to the Ser­vice Recip­i­en­t’s par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tion — to the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data con­cern­ing him/her based on Arti­cle 6(1)(f) of the RODO (i.e. on the legit­i­mate inter­ests pur­sued by the con­troller).
  2. In order to exer­cise their rights, the Client should con­tact the Ser­vice Provider.
  3. If the Ser­vice Recip­i­ent con­sid­ers that his/her data is being processed unlaw­ful­ly, the Ser­vice Recip­i­ent may lodge a com­plaint with the Pres­i­dent of the Data Pro­tec­tion Author­i­ty.

§ 5 Final provisions

  1. The Ser­vice Provider reserves the right to amend these terms and con­di­tions only for impor­tant rea­sons. An impor­tant rea­son shall be under­stood to be the neces­si­ty to amend the reg­u­la­tions due to mod­erni­sa­tion of the Newslet­ter ser­vice or change of legal reg­u­la­tions affect­ing the pro­vi­sion of the ser­vice by the Ser­vice Provider.
  2. Infor­ma­tion about the planned change to the reg­u­la­tions will be sent to the Cus­tomer’s e‑mail address pro­vid­ed at the time of sub­scrib­ing to the Newslet­ter at least 7 days before the change is imple­ment­ed.
  3. If the Ser­vice Recip­i­ent does not object to the planned changes by the time they come into effect, he will be deemed to have accept­ed them.
  4. If the Client does not accept the planned changes, he/she should send infor­ma­tion to the Ser­vice Provider’s e‑mail address:, which will result in the ter­mi­na­tion of the ser­vice con­tract when the planned changes come into effect.
  5. The pro­vi­sion of unlaw­ful con­tent by the Cus­tomer is pro­hib­it­ed.
  6. The Newslet­ter ser­vice con­tract is con­clud­ed in the Pol­ish lan­guage.
  7. In the case of a Cus­tomer who is not a priv­i­leged Cus­tomer, the com­pe­tent court will be the court with juris­dic­tion over the reg­is­tered office of the Ser­vice Provider.