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Agro-woven mulching fabric against weeds — the best for your garden

Do you dream of a beau­ti­ful gar­den, full of colour­ful shrubs, flow­er­ing beds and lush bor­ders? We are the man­u­fac­tur­er of black agro-tex­tile weed bar­ri­er, with which you can keep the aes­thet­ics of your plot in impec­ca­ble con­di­tion. Imme­di­ate­ly pre­vents the spread of unwant­ed veg­e­ta­tion in spe­cif­ic areas. It pro­vides com­plete pro­tec­tion at all times from the moment it is spread. It is a strong struc­ture, con­sist­ing of polypropy­lene fibres. You will find a choice of dark mate­ri­als: we have black and brown agro-tex­tile.

Non-woven garden weed fabric — properties

In con­trast to the usu­al black film black agro-tex­tile against weeds allows air and mois­ture to pass through, giv­ing crops bet­ter oppor­tu­ni­ties to grow. Here you will find gar­den fleece against weeds in two weights: 50 or 80 g/m², enriched with a UV fil­ter. They belong to the medi­um weight group of cov­ers, so they will pro­vide an effec­tive bar­ri­er against over­growth of unwant­ed plants in the gar­den, plan­ta­tion or beds.

How do you lay out garden fleece against weeds?

To agro-tex­tile can serve for many sea­sons, it needs to be care­ful­ly laid on the soil. First, it is a good idea to rake and col­lect plant debris or small branch­es. Black non-woven weed fab­ric should not be stretched, but nei­ther should it lie com­plete­ly loose to allow air to flow under­neath its sur­face. For our part, we rec­om­mend using the sheet before plant­i­ng. Its top lay­er can be cov­ered with wood­chips, stones or bark to achieve a sat­is­fy­ing aes­thet­ic effect in the gar­den.

Black agrotkanina against weeds additionally protects against:

  • pests;
  • birds;
  • frost,
  • dis­eases,
  • low tem­per­a­tures,
  • wind.

Agro-textile weed control and its price

At Samm­ler agro-fibre always equals favourable price. On each prod­uct sub-page in the cor­re­spond­ing win­dow, the cus­tomer can select the cor­re­spond­ing cov­er dimen­sions, length and width. It is also worth con­tact­ing us to pur­chase more pieces. We are the choice for gar­den whole­salers, land­scap­ers and all those who pri­ori­tise the beau­ty of the gar­den. We invite you to place orders, keep an eye on sea­son­al pro­mo­tions and sales. We will be hap­py to respond to all enquiries.