Garden edging shop - Sammler Recbord
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Non-woven garden fabric — advantages of use

Appli­ca­tion agro-tex­tiles in the gar­den brings many ben­e­fits. It makes plants grow faster, health­i­er and their yields will become more abun­dant. Above all, they do not have to com­pete with weeds for access to water and nutri­ents. It is worth spread­ing it under the seedlings to cre­ate an effec­tive bar­ri­er against sun­light. Agro tex­tilesa uni­ver­sal choice under conifers. It is best to fix the mate­r­i­al in this case before plant­i­ng, but instal­la­tion under grow­ing trees is also pos­si­ble. As a fin­ish­ing touch, it is advis­able to use a bark or conifer sub­strate here to cam­ou­flage the agro-tex­tile and ensure that the gar­den is aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing in every detail.

Agro-woven garden fabric — order conveniently from the Sammler shop

In con­trast to ordi­nary film, agro-tex­tile gar­den is much more robust. At the same time, it is also avail­able at an afford­able price. We offer whole­sale to all mem­bers of the gar­den indus­try and pri­vate cus­tomers for whom car­ing for crops is a real pas­sion.

Agrofiber for the garden will be suitable for crops such as:

  • conifers,
  • ros­es,
  • vines,
  • toma­toes,
  • tions,
  • cour­gettes,
  • orna­men­tal flow­ers.

No weed­ing or con­stant water­ing — appli­ca­tion agro-tex­tiles for the gar­den also pro­tects the cut­tings from soil dry­ing out. It is worth remem­ber­ing to fit the sheet to the ground, spread­ing it loose­ly to ensure prop­er air cir­cu­la­tion under­neath. We invite you to place orders via our online shop. We guar­an­tee fast deliv­ery and always good prices.