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Agro-textile under stones — a beautiful finish in the garden

Agro-tex­tile is ide­al if your gar­den design plan includes fill­ing paths or spaces between beds with stones. Its use is syn­ony­mous with har­mo­ny and order. Agro-tex­tile under stones has a weight large enough to with­stand mechan­i­cal loads with­out any prob­lems and yet, thanks to its per­me­abil­i­ty, will still allow the plants to take up nutri­ents effi­cient­ly. Prepar­ing the sub­strate for stoneware or grav­el has nev­er been eas­i­er. 

Agro-textile under stones for rockeries

Rock­eries add charm and grace to the gar­den and are a fre­quent choice of land­scape archi­tects and pri­vate indi­vid­u­als. To arrange them, it makes sense to use this type of agro-tex­tile. It needs to be fit­ted tight­ly enough to pre­vent it from slip­ping, and for this pur­pose you can use pins and fix­ing anchors, also avail­able in our range. The agro-tex­tile fab­ric will com­plete the entire gar­den arrange­ment, help to lay paths and beau­ti­ful rock­eries and, above all, pro­tect the ground from the growth of unwant­ed plants, i.e. weeds.