Garden edging shop - Sammler Recbord
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+48 61 447 81 27

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Expe­ri­ence and trust of hun­dreds of sat­is­fied cus­tomers

RecRoad Parking Grille

The RecRoad park­ing grat­ing effec­tive­ly sta­bilis­es the ground. It is an excel­lent replace­ment for paving stones, flag­stones and oth­er types of paved sur­face.


The sur­face area of the RecRoad car park card is a bio­log­i­cal­ly active sur­face in the 87%. This makes the grid per­fect­ly com­pat­i­ble with any type of land­scap­ing, opti­mis­ing aggre­gate con­sump­tion and remain­ing in line with eco­log­i­cal trends.

Bio­log­i­cal­ly active sur­face

Bio­log­i­cal­ly active sur­faces are used in a vari­ety of con­texts, such as urban parks, pub­lic gar­dens, but also on pri­vate prop­er­ties. Their design requires con­sid­er­a­tion of local cli­mat­ic con­di­tions, soil type and the aes­thet­ic and func­tion­al pref­er­ences of the users. Today, bio­log­i­cal­ly active sur­faces are part of the sus­tain­able design of pub­lic and pri­vate spaces. RecRoad park­ing and lawn grids are a great alter­na­tive to paving blocks, paving slabs and open­work .


Why it’s worth it:

  • It pro­tects against over­ex­ploita­tion of the ground and makes it much eas­i­er to lev­el the ground.
  • It is cre­at­ed from recy­cled mate­ri­als that are non-tox­ic to the envi­ron­ment.
  • Extreme­ly pres­sure-resis­tant and resis­tant to exter­nal influ­ences (high and low tem­per­a­tures, chem­i­cals).
  • Easy to assem­ble and dis­man­tle.
  • Aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing, so that it sim­ply looks nice.
Are you inter­est­ed? Con­tact our dis­trib­u­tor.
If you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing more pieces, con­tact us.
Get in touch

Places of inter­est:

  • Fire roads
  • Park­ing spaces
  • Ware­house yards
  • Heli­copter land­ing pads
  • Road­side
  • Garage exits , car parks
  • Road­side
  • Maneu­ver­ing areas


  • Parks and recre­ation areas
  • Nau­ti­cal cen­tres
  • Golf cours­es
  • Stud farm
  • Camp­ing

Designed for traf­fic:

  • Pedes­tri­an
  • Pas­sen­ger cars
  • Heavy goods vehi­cles
  • Campers
  • Fork­lift trucks

Pos­si­ble fill­ing:

  • Grass
  • Stones
  • Earth
  • Aggre­gate
Tech­ni­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tions

Wall height: 0.5 cm

Wall thick­ness: 0.5 cm

Num­ber of mesh­es: 49 mesh­es

Weight: 2.5 kg

1 sq m: 4 units / 10 kg

Mate­r­i­al: PP PE in 100% recy­cled

Colour: Shades of black

Dimen­sion­al sta­bil­i­ty: +/- 3%

Bio­log­i­cal­ly active area: Free sur­face 87% , plas­tic 13 %

Load-bear­ing capac­i­ty:

- with an infill of 400 tonnes per sq m

- with­out fill­ing 200 tonnes per sq m

FREE RETURN up to 14 days

24-hour dis­patch

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+48 61 447 81 27

An offer tai­lored to your needs
Indi­vid­ual pric­ing tai­lored to your order
Pro­fes­sion­al advice at every stage of the order process
Fast and secure nation­wide deliv­ery
Expe­ri­ence and trust of hun­dreds of sat­is­fied cus­tomers