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How do you mow the grass at the edge?

Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
15 Dec 2023

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Read­ing time: 3 min­utes

Mow­ing the lawn is one of the basic tasks in the gar­den that guar­an­tees its aes­thet­ic appear­ance and the health of the plants. How­ev­er, it is not just the sim­ple act of trim­ming the plants. Many gar­den­ers won­der how to mow the grass in hard-to-reach areas, espe­cial­ly around the edges, effec­tive­ly and with­out dam­age. When the lawn meets the edg­ing, there is a risk of dam­ag­ing both the grass and the edg­ing itself. The right approach and tech­nique are key to avoid­ing trip­ping and ensur­ing per­fect­ly cut grass. There­fore, in this arti­cle we will give you some tips, how to mow the grass at the edgeto achieve a per­fect result with­out unnec­es­sary com­pli­ca­tions.

Grass cutting at the edge and choice of mower

When it comes to mow­ing in dif­fi­cult areas such as edges, cor­ners or around trees and shrubs, it is essen­tial to have a mow­er with pre­cise, fine tips. These allow you to reach places that are dif­fi­cult for larg­er machines to reach. It is also worth con­sid­er­ing mow­ers with an adjustable cut­ting height. The afore­men­tioned func­tion becomes invalu­able as dif­fer­ent parts of the gar­den may require dif­fer­ent lengths of grass. For exam­ple, a lawn in a shady area under trees may need longer grass to bet­ter com­pete with the tree roots, while a lawn in full sun might look bet­ter if it were short­er. Adjustable mow­ers allow you to tai­lor the grass length to the spe­cif­ic require­ments of each part of your gar­den, even when out­skirts.

Don’t want to invest in a mow­er with advanced fea­tures? Opt for a trim­mer! It’s actu­al­ly the ide­al tool for cut­ting grass in hard-to-reach areas such as lawn edges. Its light­weight and flex­i­ble design allows you to cut pre­cise­ly along edges, curbs, paths or around trees and shrubs. 

Grass cutting at the edges and working technique

When mow­ing grass at the edges It is a good idea to use the ‘revers­ing’ tech­nique. This con­sists of turn­ing the mow­er after the first pass along the lawn edge in one direc­tion to repeat the process in the oppo­site direc­tion. This ensures that the grass near the edge is cut on both sides. This not only ensures an even cut, but also pro­tects the edg­ing from acci­den­tal dam­age that could occur if the mow­er is dri­ven con­tin­u­ous­ly in the same direc­tion.

When you take care of Lawn edg­ing, remem­ber to work care­ful­ly and thor­ough­ly. Uncut grass in these areas can make the entire lawn look shab­by, and can also cre­ate con­di­tions for weeds and oth­er unde­sir­able plants to grow. In addi­tion, uneven­ly mowed bor­ders can become a place for water to col­lect, often result­ing in root rot.

How do I mow the grass at the kerb?

Mow­ing grass along kerbs can often be a chal­lenge. The lawn in such areas is often irreg­u­lar and the edge can be wavy or uneven. In addi­tion, obsta­cles such as stones, branch­es or oth­er objects can fur­ther com­pli­cate the job. There­fore, it is impor­tant to know, how to mow the grass at the kerb in an effi­cient and safe man­ner.

The cord­ed grass mow­er is the per­fect choice for work­ing in such dif­fi­cult areas. Its flex­i­ble line allows you to cut grass pre­cise­ly where a tra­di­tion­al blade mow­er would strug­gle. It is much eas­i­er to manoeu­vre along kerbs and allows you to reach cor­ners that would be inac­ces­si­ble to larg­er machines.

Cleaning and maintenance after grass cutting at the edges 

When you have fin­ished mow­ing, remem­ber to clean the area around the edg­ing thor­ough­ly. Left­over grass can build up around them, cre­at­ing an unsight­ly appear­ance and pro­vid­ing shel­ter for pests. Use a rake or broom to thor­ough­ly remove the grass cut­tings. You can also use a leaf blow­er if nec­es­sary. Make sure the edg­ing is not dam­aged. Reg­u­lar check­ing can help you detect prob­lems at an ear­ly stage. Sys­tem­at­ic clean­ing and main­te­nance will not only enhance the aes­thet­ics of your lawn, but will also pro­long the life of your edg­ing.

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Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor