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Recbord Garden Edging — Uses and Advantages

Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
09 Jan 2023

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Read­ing time: 3 min­utes

Recbord Garden Edging — Uses and Advantages

Recbord plas­tic gar­den edg­ing is a pop­u­lar choice for peo­ple who want a sim­ple way to define the bound­aries of their gar­den and cre­ate an aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing and func­tion­al fin­ish. They are made from high qual­i­ty plas­tic that is durable, easy to clean and requires no paint­ing or water­proof­ing.

Recbord gar­den edg­ing is very ver­sa­tile and is avail­able in 3 vari­ants (45, 58 and 78mm) to suit indi­vid­ual needs and gar­den style. They can be used as a bor­der between dif­fer­ent types of veg­e­ta­tion, sep­a­rat­ing lawn from flowerbeds, shrubs from flower beds, or as a fin­ish­ing touch to gar­den paths.

One of the main advan­tages of Recbord plas­tic gar­den edg­ing is its easy instal­la­tion and flex­i­bil­i­ty. They can be installed quick­ly and eas­i­ly with­out the use of spe­cial­ist equip­ment or skills. Sim­ply cut out a sec­tion of lawn or ground, place the edg­ing in the desired posi­tion and secure it to the ground using the B‑PIN24 fix­ing anchors. Each edg­ing has a con­ve­nient and durable fix­ing lock, with which the edg­ing can be joined togeth­er, and a spe­cial groove for an elec­tri­cal cable or plant water­ing hose.

Recbord gar­den edg­ing is also extreme­ly resis­tant to weath­er con­di­tions such as rain, snow, UV radi­a­tion and chem­i­cal pes­ti­cides. They are durable and do not require fre­quent replace­ment. In addi­tion, they are easy to keep clean. They require min­i­mal main­te­nance.

What about going green? All Recbord gar­den edg­ing is made from recy­cled plas­tic, mak­ing it more eco-friend­ly than tra­di­tion­al edg­ing made from wood or met­al. All this makes gar­den edg­ing increas­ing­ly pop­u­lar with gar­den­ing enthu­si­asts.

Mounting Recbord Garden Edging In 7 Steps

Installing plas­tic gar­den edg­ing is sim­ple and can be done by your­self with­out the need for a pro­fes­sion­al. Here are the steps to install plas­tic gar­den edg­ing:

  1. Pre­pare the area — before you start installing your gar­den edg­ing, you need to pre­pare the area where the edg­ing will be installed. The area should be cleared of stones, roots, grass and oth­er obstruc­tions to ensure the edg­ing is even­ly posi­tioned.
  1. Mark the bound­aries — use string or paint to mark the bound­aries where the gar­den edg­ing will be installed.
  1. Cut the lawn — cut a sec­tion of lawn or soil approx­i­mate­ly 5–7 cm deep along the marked bound­ary. It is impor­tant to make an even and accu­rate cut.
  2. Pre­pare the edg­ing — gar­den edg­ing needs to be pre­pared before instal­la­tion begins. Lay them on a flat sur­face and mea­sure care­ful­ly to ensure they fit with­in the marked bor­der.
  1. Place the edg­ing — once the ground and edg­ing have been pre­pared, place the edg­ing in the des­ig­nat­ed area. Lay them even­ly and then pin them to the ground using B‑PIN24 fix­ing anchors.
  1. Fill in the soil — once the gar­den edg­ing has been placed in the ground, fill in the soil around it to fill in any gaps and depres­sions.
  1. Fin­ish the job — once the soil has been replen­ished, the grass around the edg­ing should be care­ful­ly cut for an aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing gar­den.

The instal­la­tion of plas­tic gar­den edg­ing is sim­ple and requires only a few tools and mate­ri­als, such as gar­den­ing shears, fix­ing pins, string and paint. Once the above steps have been fol­lowed, the plas­tic gar­den edg­ing will be well fixed and ready for use.

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Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor