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Your plants need the right nutri­ents to grow healthy and lush. Gar­den fer­tilis­ers are essen­tial to sup­ply them not only with macronu­tri­ents such as nitro­gen, phos­pho­rus and potas­si­um, but also with micronu­tri­ents, which are extreme­ly impor­tant for their devel­op­ment. The hor­ti­cul­tur­al mar­ket offers a great many options and types of these prod­ucts, but which one should you choose? One of the most pop­u­lar types is micronu­tri­ent fer­tilis­erswhich you can find in our range.

Micronutrient fertilisers — what are they?

Micronu­tri­ent fer­tilis­er is an extreme­ly impor­tant ele­ment in plant care. It is a spe­cial type that pro­vides the nec­es­sary micronu­tri­ents and trace ele­ments that plants need in small quan­ti­ties for prop­er growth and devel­op­ment. These are min­er­als such as iron, cop­per, boron, man­ganese, zinc, molyb­de­num and oth­ers that play key roles in the meta­bol­ic process­es of plants. Although they are need­ed in small­er quan­ti­ties than macronu­tri­ents such as nitro­gen, phos­pho­rus and potas­si­um, their absence can lead to seri­ous plant health prob­lems.

Fer­tilis­ers with micronu­tri­ents allow defi­cien­cies in these nutri­ents to be pre­vent­ed, result­ing in bet­ter growth, bushi­er foliage and more abun­dant flow­er­ing. Their use is there­fore cru­cial for gar­den­ers and farm­ers who care about the health and yield of their plants.

Why are micronutrient fertilisers so important?

Micronu­tri­ent fer­tilis­ers play a key role in the healthy growth and devel­op­ment of plants. Although they are only need­ed in small quan­ti­ties, their absence can lead to seri­ous prob­lems in the cul­ti­va­tion of gar­den. So why are they so impor­tant? Fer­tilis­ers with micronu­tri­ents sup­port the life process­es of plants. For exam­ple, iron is essen­tial for the pro­duc­tion of chloro­phyll, which is key to pho­to­syn­the­sis — the process that enables sun­light to be con­vert­ed into ener­gy. With­out chloro­phyll, plants lose their abil­i­ty to pro­duce ener­gy and stop grow­ing.

Micronu­tri­ents in fer­tilis­ers pre­vent nutri­ent defi­cien­cies. Plants show var­i­ous symp­toms of their defi­cien­cy, such as yel­low­ing of leaves, lack of flow­er­ing or defor­mi­ties. Micronu­tri­ent fer­tilis­ers pro­vide plants with the nec­es­sary trace ele­ments to avoid these prob­lems.

How to apply micronutrient fertilisers?

Use of micronu­tri­ent fer­tilis­ers is a key ele­ment of plant care, espe­cial­ly for gar­dens and grow­ing orna­men­tal plants. Here are some impor­tant tips on how to use them to ensure healthy and lush plant growth:

  • First step: Diag­no­sis and soil tests­Be­fore you start using micronu­tri­ent fer­tilis­ers, it is worth car­ry­ing out soil tests to find out what nutri­ents your plants need. Soil tests will allow you to iden­ti­fy any defi­cien­cies and adjust fer­til­i­sa­tion to suit your indi­vid­ual needs.
  • Choos­ing the right fer­tilis­erDif­fer­ent types are avail­able on the mar­ket micronu­tri­ent fer­tilis­erswhich con­tain dif­fer­ent ingre­di­ents. Choose one that con­tains the ones your plants need. Make sure you choose a qual­i­ty prod­uct.
  • Dosage and tim­ing of useDili­gent­ly read the label fer­tilis­erto find out the rec­om­mend­ed dosage and fre­quen­cy of appli­ca­tion. The man­u­fac­tur­er’s rec­om­men­da­tions should be strict­ly fol­lowed to avoid over-fer­til­i­sa­tion, which can be harm­ful to the plants.
  • Method of appli­ca­tionFer­tilis­ers with micronu­tri­ents can be applied by water­ing or spray­ing on the leaves. The choice of method depends on the type of fer­tilis­er and type of plant. Some assim­i­late these ingre­di­ents bet­ter through the leaves, so spray­ing can be an effec­tive option.
  • Sched­ule fer­tilis­erMicronu­tri­ent fer­tilis­ers should be even­ly dis­trib­uted around the plant to avoid over-con­cen­tra­tion of these need­ed ingre­di­ents in one place. Try to avoid con­tact fer­tilis­er with the leaves and stems of plants to avoid burns.
  • Mon­i­tor the effect­sReg­u­lar­ly mon­i­tor the plants and observe their response to fer­til­i­sa­tion. If you notice any abnor­mal­i­ties, such as yel­low­ing of the leaves or oth­er defi­cien­cy symp­toms, adjust the dosage. fer­tilis­er or con­sult a hor­ti­cul­tur­al expert.
  • Com­pli­ance with safe­ty rulesMicronu­tri­ent fer­tilis­er is con­cen­trat­ed with chem­i­cals, so always observe safe­ty pre­cau­tions when using. Use gloves and safe­ty gog­gles, and keep it out of the reach of chil­dren.

Use of micronu­tri­ent fer­tilis­ers is extreme­ly impor­tant for healthy plant growth in gar­den. Remem­ber that fer­til­i­sa­tion is a process that requires patience and thor­ough­ness. With the right action, you will pro­vide your plants with the nec­es­sary micronu­tri­ents, which trans­lates into their beau­ti­ful appear­ance and abun­dant flow­er­ing.

See also
Gar­den edg­ings
Edge pins and anchor pegs
Kits ready for assem­bly
Sur­face pro­tec­tion grilles