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Bi Terra 1 kg

A soil micro­bial prepa­ra­tion based on spe­cial­ly select­ed nat­u­ral­ly occur­ring microor­gan­isms in the soil. It con­tributes to unfavourable con­di­tions for soil pests in agri­cul­tur­al, veg­etable and fruit crops. The for­mu­la­tion pro­motes the nat­ur­al reduc­tion of dam­age to the roots of crops by soil pests by chang­ing their habi­tat and over­win­ter­ing envi­ron­ment as a result of the decom­po­si­tion and min­er­al­i­sa­tion of organ­ic mat­ter that favours their devel­op­ment.

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Spe­cial­ly select­ed and cho­sen strains:

  • Bac­te­ria Bacil­lus sp. at a rate of not less than 1x109 CFU per gram of prod­uct
  • Non-path­o­gen­ic sapro­phyt­ic fun­gi in quan­ti­ties of not less than 5x107 spor in 1 gram of prod­uct
  • Non-path­o­gen­ic soil radi­a­tors in an amount of not less than 5x106 — 1x107 spor in 1 gram of prod­uct

Bi ter­ra con­tains spe­cial­ly select­ed micro-organ­isms that colonise the soil near the roots of cul­ti­vat­ed plants, which influ­ences their prop­er devel­op­ment and bet­ter resis­tance to stress con­di­tions. It also has a ben­e­fi­cial effect on the yield and qual­i­ty of the crop. As a result of the activ­i­ty of the microor­gan­isms and their pro­duc­tion of var­i­ous sub­stances such as vit­a­mins, organ­ic acids, enzymes and oth­ers, the envi­ron­ment around the roots becomes unat­trac­tive to pests, result­ing in a sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tion in their occur­rence.

Bi ter­ra nat­u­ral­ly reduces the occur­rence of pests feed­ing on the roots of cul­ti­vat­ed plants, such as lar­vae of turmer­ic, wire­worms, leaf bee­tles, mag­gots, pota­to bee­tles, spi­der mites and oth­ers over­win­ter­ing in the soil of agri­cul­tur­al, fruit and veg­etable crops.

Cul­ti­va­tionDosageUse of
Agri­cul­tur­al plants1 kg / 250–350 l water/ha2 — 3 treat­ments per sea­son. The first treat­ment should be car­ried out in spring.
Orchard plants2 kg / 300–500 l water/ha2 — 5 treat­ments per sea­son. The first treat­ment should be car­ried out in spring.
Veg­etable plants2 kg / 300–500 l water/ha2 — 5 treat­ments per sea­son. The first treat­ment should be car­ried out in spring.

The for­mu­la­tion should be applied to moist soil, prefer­ably with humic acids (they pro­mote bac­te­r­i­al pro­lif­er­a­tion).

Micro­bial prepa­ra­tions should not be used in sun­ny or dry weath­er, and should not be mixed with chem­i­cal prepa­ra­tions (fungi­cides).

Prepa­ra­tion of work­ing solu­tion

Pre­pare the solu­tion 1–2 hours before treat­ment, mix before spray­ing.

Apply in the morn­ing, evening or in cloudy and wind­less weath­er, at a tem­per­a­ture of +12°C to +30°C.

Do not use with fungi­cides.

Addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion

It is the only prepa­ra­tion on the mar­ket in loose form (pow­der) con­tain­ing such a huge amount of bac­te­ria in 1 gram.

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