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Bi Complex Max 1 kg

The only high-qual­i­ty micro­bial soil fer­tilis­er on the Pol­ish mar­ket for use in all crops. Accel­er­ates decom­po­si­tion of organ­ic mat­ter, enrich­es soil with read­i­ly avail­able nitro­gen and phos­pho­rus, nat­u­ral­ly improves the phy­tosan­i­tary con­di­tion of soil and has a strength­en­ing effect on plants. It is based on sin­gle, care­ful­ly select­ed bac­te­ria Bacil­lus sp.

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Bacil­lus sub­til­lis, Bacil­lus mega­teri­um, Bacil­lus azotofix­ans at 1x109 IU per gram of prod­uct.


Bacil­lus bac­te­ria are com­mon in soils in our cli­mat­ic zone. They are sapro­phytes, decom­pos­ing organ­ic com­pounds of plant ori­gin (main­ly car­bo­hy­drates and pectin). These bac­te­ria pro­duce spe­cif­ic mucilages, which con­tribute to improv­ing the mois­ture con­tent with­in the root sys­tem and cov­er­ing it with an addi­tion­al pro­tec­tive film (sig­nif­i­cant espe­cial­ly in times of drought), they also sta­bilise soil col­loids.

The Bacil­lus sub­tilis bac­teri­um reduces the num­ber of path­o­gen­ic fun­gi and bac­te­ria in the soil, con­tribut­ing to an improved phy­tosan­i­tary sta­tus in crops. The bac­teri­um mul­ti­plies rapid­ly, so by com­pet­ing for food and space with oth­er path­o­gen­ic pathogens, it nat­u­ral­ly elim­i­nates them from the soil envi­ron­ment with­out dis­turb­ing, but rather enhances the devel­op­ment of ben­e­fi­cial soil microor­gan­isms.

The Bacil­lus mega­teri­um bac­te­ria in the bi com­plex max prod­uct par­tic­i­pate in the decom­po­si­tion of the volatilised and bound forms of phos­pho­rus (also phos­phites and phos­pho­nates) into plant-avail­able phos­pho­rus. The use of Bacil­lus mega­teri­um bac­te­ria in field crops can yield as much as 20–40 kg of phos­pho­rus in pure form per hectare. Phos­pho­rus, like nitro­gen, is involved in all vital process­es in the plant; it is essen­tial for prop­er pho­to­syn­the­sis, res­pi­ra­tion, metab­o­lism and espe­cial­ly for the for­ma­tion of pro­teins and stor­age sub­stances (fats, phytin). Phos­pho­rus is only tak­en up from the soil by plants in the form of phos­phor­ic acid (V) ions. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the pro­por­tion of soils in our coun­try with a low or very low avail­able phos­pho­rus con­tent is as high as 40%. The activ­i­ty of phos­pho­rus-sol­u­bil­is­ing bac­te­ria, also known as PSB (Phos­phate Sol­u­bil­is­ing Bac­te­ria), is there­fore invalu­able. In addi­tion to avail­able phos­pho­rus, PSBs also intro­duce sub­stances such as siderophores, aux­ins, cytokinins and vit­a­mins into the soil. There­fore, in recent years, strains of phos­phate-form­ing micro-organ­isms have been regard­ed as a so-called biofer­tilis­er. PSBs are an impor­tant fac­tor in opti­mis­ing agri­cul­tur­al pro­duc­tion.

The Bacil­lus azotofix­ans bac­teri­um allows the pop­u­la­tion of this very use­ful bac­teri­um in the soil to be restored, as it helps to improve the nitro­gen cycle in the soil, as well as the sys­tem­at­ic sup­ply of bioavail­able forms of nitro­gen to the plants, thus pre­vent­ing the accu­mu­la­tion of nitrates and nitrites in them and ensur­ing that nitro­gen is sup­plied con­tin­u­ous­ly, inde­pen­dent­ly of min­er­al fer­til­i­sa­tion.

Agri­cul­tur­al, fruit and veg­etable plants0.5 — 2 kg /300 — 1000 l water /ha
0.5 — 1 kg /300 — 1000 l water /ha
10 — 20 g / 10 l of water

The for­mu­la­tion should be applied to moist soil, prefer­ably with humic acids (they pro­mote bac­te­r­i­al pro­lif­er­a­tion).

Micro­bial prepa­ra­tions should not be used in sun­ny or dry weath­er, and should not be mixed with chem­i­cal prepa­ra­tions (fungi­cides).

Addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion

It is the only prepa­ra­tion on the mar­ket in loose form (pow­der) con­tain­ing such a huge amount of bac­te­ria in pure form in 1 gram.

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