Garden edging shop - Sammler Recbord
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Unique ecological and durable garden edgings

Use our gar­den edg­ings to revive your gar­den with­out over­spend­ing and with min­i­mal own effort by arrang­ing beau­ti­ful alleys and paths that sep­a­rate the grass from grit, bark or cob­ble­stones.


Do you run a warehouse or a garden centre?

Buy direct from man­u­fac­tur­er of lawn edg­ing with­out the need for ware­hous­ing and with instant avail­abil­i­ty. We guar­an­tee imme­di­ate avail­abil­i­ty and imme­di­ate dis­patch.


Do you design gardens and use garden edging?

Order green prod­ucts with a 10-year guar­an­tee from man­u­fac­tur­er of gar­den edg­ingin the num­ber you need for a spe­cif­ic project.

Learn more about our products

Gar­den edg­ings

Choose gar­den edg­ing avail­able in 3 sizes: 78 mm, 58 mm or 45 mm. You will use them to make avenues, walk­ways, stone paths or to edge your trees.

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Edge pins and anchor pegs

Choose pins and anchors so that the edg­ing holds firm­ly to the sub­strate. You can choose pin and anchor mod­els in lengths: 16 cm, 20 cm, 24 cm with dif­fer­ent tips.

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parking and lawn grating

Lawn and parking grate

Park­ing grates are a way to pro­tect your car and to pro­tect local flo­ra and fau­na. By invest­ing in these inno­v­a­tive solu­tions, you are not only beau­ti­fy­ing your sur­round­ings, but also work­ing towards sus­tain­abil­i­ty.

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Surface protection grille

Choose grilles that pro­tect and sta­bilise indoor and out­door sur­faces. Grilles are aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing and easy to self-assem­ble and main­tain. 

Read more

Here is a simple way to tame growing plants in the garden and on the plot

Buy ready-to-install kits gar­den edg­ing straight from pro­duc­er Includ­ing tools and acces­sories. You don’t need to know how to lay edg­ing, the kit comes with clear instruc­tions.

Replace old broken edging with new ones

Select man­u­fac­tur­er’s gar­den edg­ing RecBord, which will not crack in the cold or in full sun. They are resis­tant to ball play and pet claws. You won’t dam­age them, even if you dri­ve a car over them.

Do you want to upgrade your garden, but you don’t know how?

Use the inspi­ra­tion you find in our gallery. See how to use plas­tic lawn edg­ing. As man­u­fac­tur­er pro­vide guid­ance on how to divide the lawn, paths, arrange flower sec­tions and drape trees

Are you worried about installation of edging?

You con­nect RecBord gar­den edg­ing to each oth­er with one ‘click’. You don’t need to cut them with a saw, you don’t need the tools that are nec­es­sary when lay­ing con­crete kerbs. Check how easy it is to con­nect the edg­ing.

Don’t worry about calculations for garden edging

Cal­cu­late how many metres of edg­ing you need for your gar­den using a sim­ple cal­cu­la­tor. This way you won’t waste a pen­ny, because you will order as many metres of edg­ing as you actu­al­ly need.

Design and arrange your garden yourself

Use our inspi­ra­tion and see how to arrange your space using gar­den edg­ing. Buy ready-made edg­ing sets in our shop and dec­o­rate your gar­den your­self.

Arrange a beautiful and tidy garden

Edg­ing makes gar­den­ing eas­i­er and helps keep your lawn and trees in good con­di­tion. Thanks to the edgers, you can cut the grass even in inac­ces­si­ble places with­out hav­ing to strug­gle with a hand mow­er.

Get rid of weeds from garden paths once and for all

Arrange the alleys and paths in your gar­den by cor­don­ing them off with edg­ing. Lay out the fleece that comes with the edg­ing kit. Lay tiles or stones on it and for­get about weeds, as the fleece will com­plete­ly block the growth of unwant­ed plants.

Choose a safe garden without toxins

If you grow fruit and veg­eta­bles, you are sure­ly keen to have a tox­in-free gar­den. RecBord edg­ing dif­fers from oth­er edg­ing on the mar­ket in that it does not release tox­ic sub­stances. As a result, they do not poi­son the soil, ground­wa­ter and there­fore your future crops.

Be environmentally friendly

By pur­chas­ing our edg­ing, you are mak­ing a con­tri­bu­tion to cli­mate pro­tec­tion. RecBord edg­ing is man­u­fac­tured in 100% recy­cled mate­r­i­al. Thank you for car­ing for the plan­et with us.

What makes our edgings different from others?

See how our edg­ing dif­fer from what you already know.

Choose your edg­ing

See how our edging differ from what you already know.

Take advan­tage of 6 times cheap­er gar­den edg­ing than con­crete curbs and tiles.

Select a ready set of garden edging with tools

Buy a ready-to-install kit with edg­ings and pins. The kit includes edg­ings, fas­ten­ing pins, ham­mer, gloves and the man­u­al.

Make an informed purchase decision

Order test­ed edge­band­ing. Test their qual­i­ty, flex­i­bil­i­ty and dura­bil­i­ty.

Do not limit your imagination and let it free in the garden

Why the edg­ing is bet­ter than con­crete curbs? You can eas­i­ly shape the edg­ing
into arcs, angles, straight lines and cir­cles.

Installing the edges is easy

You can arrange them quick­ly and con­nect with one click. You don’t need mor­tar and glue.

We guarantee good quality for 10 years

RecBord edg­ing is durable, resis­tant to crack­ing main­tains its shape for at least 10 years.

Get rid of puddles and mud in front of the house

Side­walks fin­ished with edg­ing have good drainage. You will for­get about pud­dles and mud.

Forget about weeding and weeds

Get rid of weeds from side­walks and alleys by using the agro­tex­tile includ­ed in the edg­ing set.

Any questions? Contact us

Do you want to coop­er­ate with us or have ques­tions about edg­ing? Call or write to us.

Mon­day — Fri­day, 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Con­tact Home

Why is RecBord plastic edging so durable?

Our edg­ings are durable and flex­i­ble because we use a care­ful­ly select­ed mix of plas­tics for their pro­duc­tion.

Thanks to the process of com­bin­ing the fol­low­ing mate­ri­als: PP, PEX, PE, LLDPE, HDPE, LDPE, we were able to cre­ate edg­ing that retains its dura­bil­i­ty and elas­tic­i­ty for up to 10 years.

You have proof of this in the form of the Nation­al Tech­ni­cal Assess­ment.

“RecBord prod­ucts are of the high­est qual­i­ty at a very com­pet­i­tive price. They are durable and avail­able imme­di­ate­ly in any quan­ti­ty. I rec­om­mend it!”
Marcin Jackowski
Land­scape Archi­tect
“High qual­i­ty prod­ucts, good price, kind and pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice! My cus­tomers are very sat­is­fied, So I.”
Marta Dębska

The good quality of the edges is confirmed by our customers

See how to arrange your garden using edging

Look­ing for inspi­ra­tion? Go to the pho­to gallery, where you will find exam­ples of gar­dens with RecBord edg­ing. See how you can empha­size the beau­ty of your gar­den with our edg­ings and sep­a­rate paths from lawns, flow­ers or trees.

You don’t know how many meters of edging to buy? Check it with the calculator

Stop won­der­ing how many meters of edg­ing to buy for your gar­den. Use the sim­ple gar­den edg­ing cal­cu­la­tor and cal­cu­late how many meters of the prod­uct you need for your gar­den.

Needpcs. of edg­ing

Worried about installation of RecBord edging by yourself?

You don’t need to hire a land­scap­ing com­pa­ny to install the edg­ing with­in your prop­er­ty. You can do it your­self using spe­cial clips. See in our man­u­al how easy it is.

Get inspired by the most beautiful gardens

See how you can reduce the costs of arrang­ing your gar­den and space around the build­ings. Get inspired with our tips and tricks.

See the inspi­ra­tion blog

Events in which we participate

See where you can find us to see our prod­ucts and dis­cuss future coop­er­a­tion in per­son. We are always present at trade fairs — Green is Life, Gar­de­nia, Green Days War­saw.

Green is Life 2023

31 August — 2 Sep­tem­ber 2023

Gardenia 2023

23 — 25 Novem­ber 2023

Warsaw Home Green Days 2024

21 — 23 March 2024

Order environmental-friendly garden edging directly from the manufacturer

Your garden has “grown” and you want to change the mess into a well-kept harmonious garden?

Do you run a warehouse? Garden centre? Are you designing a garden for a client? Find out more about the terms of cooperation.