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Natural Yield XM — 1 l

Liq­uid for­mu­la­tion to sup­port plant growth. It com­pre­hen­sive­ly influ­ences the regen­er­a­tion of plants after dam­age by chem­i­cal agents, hail, frost and drought and increas­es the resis­tance of plants to stress. It is unique on the mar­ket in terms of its com­po­si­tion — the com­bi­na­tion of amino acids and Asco­phyl­lum nodosum marine algae extract with the lat­est gen­er­a­tion humic sub­stances ensures imme­di­ate absorp­tion of the prod­uct into the plant and fast action.

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50% algae extract (amino acids — full spec­trum), alginic acid, iodine, man­ni­tol, polyamines, phy­toalex­ins, lam­i­nar­in, 50% humic acids of the lat­est gen­er­a­tion derived from processed lignin.


The prepa­ra­tion has a pos­i­tive and com­pre­hen­sive effect on plants. It pro­motes the for­ma­tion of the root tri­chome zone and induces the for­ma­tion of lat­er­al branch­ing. This is fol­lowed by an increase in the use of water and fer­tilis­ers from the soil, which con­tributes to improved yield and qual­i­ty of the crop. Regen­er­ates dam­age in the plant caused by her­bi­cides, hail, drought, frost and increas­es plant resis­tance to stress.

The ingre­di­ents of the extract are nat­ur­al, plant-derived and are there­fore quick­ly and eas­i­ly absorbed. The unique com­po­si­tion ensures effi­cient and effec­tive action, with the indi­vid­ual com­po­nents act­ing syn­er­gis­ti­cal­ly, sup­port­ing each oth­er in their action. Each ingre­di­ent in Nat­ur­al Yield has an impor­tant and irre­place­able role to play in the vital process­es of plants, influ­enc­ing their growth and devel­op­ment and the cre­ation of a high and excel­lent qual­i­ty yield.

Dosage Use of
Agri­cul­tur­al plants 1 l / 150 — 350 l water / ha
Orchard plants 1 — 2 l / 600 — 1000 l water /ha
Veg­etable plants 1 — 2 l / 250 — 500 l water/ha
Orna­men­tal and herba­ceous plants 1 — 2 l / 250 — 500 l water/ha

Nanogro Aqua Can be used in com­bi­na­tion with foliar fer­tilis­ers, pes­ti­cides, fungi­cides, con­di­tion­ers. Use with her­bi­cides is not rec­om­mend­ed.

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