Garden edging shop - Sammler Recbord
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Ready-to-install kits (78 mm)

You receive a ready-to-assem­ble kit.
Instal­la­tion instruc­tions

The kit includes edg­ing, fix­ing pins, seca­teurs, ham­mer, gloves and instruc­tion man­u­al.

Edg­ing RecBord 78 is designed for the cre­ation of alleys and paths in gar­dens. RecBord 78 are most com­mon­ly used to sep­a­rate lawn from grit or bark. Thanks to the use of gar­den edg­ing next to sur­faces made of con­crete ele­ments, e.g. cob­ble­stones, paving slabs, we cre­ate a uni­form and sta­ble sur­face, pro­tect­ed against slid­ing. The edg­ing works well both in the gar­den and in pub­lic places.

Lawn edg­ing is made of plas­tic obtained in 100% from RECYCLING. As a result, they are flex­i­ble, mak­ing it pos­si­ble to shape straight lines as well as curves and angles.

Choose the quan­ti­ty most suit­ed to your needs. We have pre­pared pack­ages in the most pop­u­lar quan­ti­ties.
Are you inter­est­ed? Con­tact our dis­trib­u­tor.
If you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing more pieces, con­tact us.
Get in touch

The RecBord 78 gar­den edg­ing will be per­fect for sep­a­ra­tion:

  • Pathfind­ing
  • Care band
  • Fenc­ing off the lawn
  • Dec­o­ra­tive bark band
  • Curb­stone paving 8 cm high
  • Gran­ite kerb­stone 8/11 cm
  • Lawn edg­ing 5 cm high
  • Pave­ment slab kerb­stone, height 5 cm
  • Sand and grav­el sur­faces
Tech­ni­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tions


  • The length of one edg­ing is 1 metre
  • The height of this mod­el is 7.8 cm
  • The width of the base is 8 cm
  • The weight of one metre is 600g
  • The min­i­mum lifes­pan of the mate­r­i­al is 10 years!
  • Edge colour: black

Edge fix­ing

Lawn edg­ing RecBord 78 is attached to soft sub­strates such as lawn, soil and sand with plas­tic anchors (Anchor 24 cm). For straight sec­tions use 3 pcs./mb, for curves and cir­cles use 4–5 pcs./mb.

How to make arch­es and cir­cles?

The edg­ing in its basic form is suit­able for mak­ing straight lines, but it can be formed into oth­er shapes very eas­i­ly.

How to do it?

Slit the base of the edg­ing. If you want to firm­ly form the edg­ing into sharp curves or cir­cles, it must lie in the sun or in a warm room so that the plas­tic becomes flex­i­ble. Oth­er­wise the edg­ing may crack.


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