Garden edging shop - Sammler Recbord
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Eco-friendly garden edgings with a 10-year warranty

RecBord gar­den edg­ings guar­an­tee 10-year dura­bil­i­ty, as they are made of a care­ful­ly select­ed mix­ture of plas­tics. Unlike con­crete curbs, you can eas­i­ly arrange alleys or paths in the gar­den with flex­i­ble edg­ing, sep­a­rat­ing the grass from grit, bark or cob­ble­stones.

Garden edgings

RecBord garden edging resistant to frost and sun

Unlike con­crete curbs, you can eas­i­ly arrange alleys or paths in the gar­den with our edg­ings, sep­a­rat­ing the grass from grit, bark or cob­ble­stones. 

RecBord gar­den edg­ings guar­an­tee 10-year dura­bil­i­ty. In the pro­duc­tion process, we com­bine plas­tics of the fol­low­ing types: PP, PEX, PE, LLDPE, HDPE, LDPE. This ensures dura­bil­i­ty of our edg­ings in frost, mois­ture and full sun, and even in extreme tem­per­a­tures rang­ing from ‑50℃ to +50℃.

Use edging that will not crack after 2 seasons

so you don’t have to replace it.

Flexible edging material

you can eas­i­ly adjust them to the shape of paths, alleys and lawns.

Order even small quantities of our edgings

buy exact­ly as much as you need with­out the need to store a large amounts of prod­ucts.

See the production process

See the pro­duc­tion process of RecBord gar­den edg­ings.

Are you a designer or wholesaler?

Are you inter­est­ed in whole­sale pur­chas­es of RecBord gar­den edg­ing or you want to know more? Write or call us and we will be hap­py to answer.

Mon­day — Fri­day, 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

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