Garden edging shop - Sammler Recbord
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Order any quantity of garden edgings from the manufacturer

If you run out of edg­ing on your shelves, we will ship your new order with­in 24 hours.

Order as much as you need

Order any quan­ti­ty of edg­ings you need. We will send the ordered edg­ings with­in 24 hours.

Our garden edgings are always available “from the shelf”

At your request, we will mon­i­tor the avail­abil­i­ty of RecBord edg­ings on the shelves of your store or ware­house. We will call you at the appoint­ed time and, if nec­es­sary, we will send the required num­ber of edges with­in 24 hours.

You order and receive goods without defects

We ship he edg­ings from Poland, care­ful­ly check­ing the tech­ni­cal qual­i­ty of each batch before ship­ment. This pro­ce­dure ensures that the prod­uct will arrive at your ware­house undam­aged.

Make life easier for your customers — offer ready-made edging kits

Offer your cus­tomers ready-to-install gar­den edg­ing kits, com­plete with instruc­tion man­u­al. Your cus­tomers will stop ask­ing for help in select­ing acces­sories for edg­ing. They will stop ask­ing about assem­bly, as they will receive edg­ing, fix­ing pins, gloves and a ham­mer, as well as edg­ing instruc­tions in one kit.

Order goods marked with your codes

For an addi­tion­al fee, we will apply your bar­codes on the prod­ucts. This will facil­i­tate your stock and sales man­age­ment.

Attract new customers by offering samples

Send edg­ing sam­ples to cus­tomers, enabling them to check qual­i­ty and com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with oth­er gar­den acces­sories. We have pre­pared pack­ages of such sam­ples.

Forget about complaints

Avoid claim costs with the excep­tion­al dura­bil­i­ty of our edg­ing. RecBord edg­ing won’t dis­in­te­grate in the cold and won’t deform in full sun for 10 years.

Our garden edgings are always available “from the shelf”

You can order gar­den edg­ings in 3 sizes: 45 mm, 58, mm, 78 mm. You can buy edg­ings or kits of edg­ings with pins. Our offer also includes ready-to-install kits as well as fix­ing pins and anchor pegs.

Order any quantity you need directly from the manufacturer 

Order any quan­ti­ty of edg­ings you need. We will send the ordered edg­ings with­in 24 hours.

Mon­day — Fri­day, 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
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