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Can agro fleece be laid over weeds?

Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
09 Oct 2024

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Read­ing time: 5 min­utes

How does agro-textile weed control work?

Can agro fleece be laid over weeds? Yes, agro-tex­tile acts as an effec­tive bar­ri­er against weeds, pro­vid­ing pro­tec­tion for crops. Its mech­a­nism of action main­ly con­sists in restrict­ing the access of light to the soil lay­er, thus pre­vent­ing the ger­mi­na­tion and growth of weeds. Thanks to its porous struc­ture, this non-woven fab­ric is per­me­able to water and air, which pro­motes favourable con­di­tions for the devel­op­ment of crops, while lim­it­ing the growth of weeds.

The use of agro-tex­tiles has many ben­e­fits:

  • Reduc­tion in main­te­nance work such as weed­ing.
  • Increase water use effi­cien­cy by reduc­ing evap­o­ra­tion.
  • Improv­ing the micro­cli­mate around the plants, result­ing in bet­ter growth.
  • Pro­tect­ing the soil from ero­sion and des­ic­ca­tion.

Agro-tex­tile under weeds is there­fore the absolute best solu­tion for enjoy­ing healthy and beau­ti­ful­ly grow­ing plants.

Preparing the soil before applying the agro-textile fabric

When the soil is prop­er­ly pre­pared before apply­ing the agro-tex­tile under weeds, we can sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase its effec­tive­ness. First of all, the area should be thor­ough­ly cleared of any major weeds and their roots so that the agro-tex­tile can per­form its func­tion effec­tive­ly. The next step is to dig the soil about 15–20 cm deep to aer­ate the soil and remove small­er weeds. It is also a good idea to apply com­post or organ­ic fer­tilis­ers to improve the soil struc­ture and pro­vide essen­tial nutri­ents to the plants.

The soil sur­face should then be lev­elled and tamped, pro­vid­ing a sta­ble base for the agro-tex­tile. Remem­ber that well-pre­pared soil not only increas­es the effec­tive­ness of the weed bar­ri­er, but also pro­motes healthy crop growth. It is only on soil pre­pared in this way that we can apply the agro-tex­tile under weeds, mak­ing sure that it is well attached to the ground, which will pre­vent it from mov­ing and new weeds from grow­ing. It is worth invest­ing in a weed fleece for the best results in the gar­den, elim­i­nat­ing the weed prob­lem and min­imis­ing the need for reg­u­lar weed­ing.

How to apply agro-textile properly?

In order to prop­er­ly apply the agro-tex­tile under weeds, sev­er­al steps must be fol­lowed to ensure max­i­mum effec­tive­ness and long-last­ing pro­tec­tion against weeds. Once the soil has been thor­ough­ly pre­pared, as described ear­li­er, we pro­ceed to spread the agro-tex­tile. First, unroll the non-woven fab­ric over the des­ig­nat­ed area, mak­ing sure it cov­ers the entire sur­face.

For larg­er areas, the agro-tex­tile can be cut into suit­able pieces, remem­ber­ing to keep an over­lap of about 10–15 cm to pre­vent weeds from over­grow­ing between the non-woven pieces.

Once the agro-tex­tile under weeds is laid, it should be care­ful­ly fixed to the ground with spe­cial pegs or pins, which will pre­vent it from mov­ing. It is impor­tant that the fix­ing is reg­u­lar, espe­cial­ly at the edges and at the join­ing points. Next, a lay­er of bark, grav­el or oth­er mulching mate­r­i­al can be applied to the sur­face of the fleece, which will fur­ther pro­tect the fleece and improve the aes­thet­ics of the gar­den. A prop­er­ly applied agro-tex­tile under weeds will effec­tive­ly stop the growth of weeds, while at the same time allow­ing the crop to grow health­ily. An agro-weed fleece is an excel­lent tool that will make tend­ing your gar­den much eas­i­er and allow you to enjoy its beau­ty through­out the sea­son.

The most common mistakes when using agro-textiles

Apply­ing agro-tex­tile under weeds can be high­ly effec­tive, but com­mon mis­takes can reduce its effec­tive­ness. One of the most com­mon mis­takes is not prop­er­ly prepar­ing the soil before apply­ing the non­wo­ven fab­ric. Some­times gar­den­ers skip the thor­ough removal of larg­er weeds and their roots, which can lead to weeds grow­ing through the agro-tex­tile. Anoth­er com­mon mis­take is fail­ing to main­tain prop­er over­laps between pieces of non-woven fab­ric, allow­ing weeds to grow through the joints.

In order to avoid these prob­lems, it is worth bear­ing in mind a few key prin­ci­ples:

  • Thor­ough­ly clear the area of larg­er weeds and their roots.
  • Main­tain over­laps of 10–15 cm between the fleece pieces.
  • Care­ful­ly fix the agro-tex­tile to the ground with pegs or pins, espe­cial­ly at the edges and joints.
  • Apply a lay­er of mulch, such as bark or grav­el, over the fleece to fur­ther pro­tect the fleece and improve the aes­thet­ics of the gar­den.

By keep­ing these tips in mind, you will avoid the most com­mon mis­takes and max­imise the poten­tial of agro-tex­tile under weeds, guar­an­tee­ing healthy plant growth with­out trou­ble­some weeds. Can agro-fibre be laid over weeds? Yes, but prop­er soil prepa­ra­tion and pre­cise place­ment of the non­wo­ven fab­ric is key.

Care and maintenance of agro-textiles

Care and main­te­nance of the agro-weed fleece is cru­cial to ensure its long-term effec­tive­ness. First of all, the con­di­tion of the non­wo­ven fab­ric should be mon­i­tored reg­u­lar­ly, espe­cial­ly after heavy rain­fall or strong winds. Make sure the non-woven fab­ric is still secure­ly attached to the ground and, if nec­es­sary, improve the attach­ment with pegs or pins. Also remem­ber to remove any debris, such as leaves or branch­es, that may accu­mu­late on its sur­face. Reg­u­lar­ly inspect­ing the joint­ing areas and cor­rect­ing the 10–15 cm over­laps will keep the weed bar­ri­er con­tin­u­ous.

It is also a good idea to peri­od­i­cal­ly check that plants are not over­grow­ing the fleece at the cuts made dur­ing plant­i­ng. If you notice over­grown weeds, remove them man­u­al­ly so that they do not weak­en the pro­tec­tion. The use of mulch, such as bark or grav­el, on the sur­face of the non-woven fab­ric will not only improve the aes­thet­ics of the gar­den, but will also fur­ther pro­tect the agro-tex­tile fab­ric. Reg­u­lar care of these aspects will help to main­tain the effec­tive­ness and dura­bil­i­ty of the non­wo­ven fab­ric for many sea­sons. Want to find out more? Invest in a weed fleece and enjoy a beau­ti­ful­ly main­tained gar­den with­out trou­ble­some weeds.

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Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor