Garden edging shop - Sammler Recbord
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Do you design gardens? Do you use edging to create space in designed gardens?

RecBord edg­ings will pro­vide order in your cus­tomers’ gar­dens. They will sep­a­rate grass from the pave­ment and stoneware with­out the use of con­crete curbs.

What are the advantages?

Offer your cus­tomers edg­ings that are 6 times cheap­er than a con­crete walk­way

Choose 6 times cheap­er gar­den edg­ing to arrange your gar­den space instead of con­crete walk­ways. You can thus offer cus­tomers low­er prices for your ser­vices.

Use ready-to-install edging kits

Choose a ready-to-assem­ble edg­ing kit instead of fit­ting each piece sep­a­rate­ly. In the pack­age you will find the edg­ing, the cor­rect num­ber of fix­ing pins, as well as a ham­mer and gloves.

Separate space in the garden faster than with concrete curbs.

Edg­ing is a lighter alter­na­tive to con­crete kerbs. You don’t lift and lay them quick­ly, con­nect­ing them togeth­er with 1 click. You don’t have to dig holes in the ground to install them.

Focus on the design, we will provide the edging.

Stop wast­ing time look­ing for edg­ing in the shops and order it in any quan­ti­ty from one place. We are the man­u­fac­tur­er and always have a stocked ware­house. Place an order for exact­ly the quan­ti­ty of edg­ing you need. We will send you the edg­ing with­in 24 hours. Do you have any ques­tions?

Reach for new project ideas.

Enrich your port­fo­lio with designs for paths and lawns in the shape of waves and cir­cles, which were pre­vi­ous­ly dif­fi­cult to con­struct with con­crete kerbs. With flex­i­ble edg­ing, you will demar­cate this space sim­ply and quick­ly.

Complaints will no longer be a problem.

Use RecBord edg­ing and stop wor­ry­ing about claim costs. The edg­ing is made using mod­ern pro­duc­tion tech­nol­o­gy and will not fall apart after two sea­sons. We vouch for this with a tech­no­log­i­cal study and a Nation­al Tech­ni­cal Assess­ment report.

Calculate how many metres of edging you need for your project

Don’t waste time count­ing how many metres of edg­ing you need for your project. Cal­cu­late it in the cal­cu­la­tor and don’t waste a pen­ny order­ing an unnec­es­sary length of edg­ing.

Build a trendy and ECO brand.

By offer­ing cus­tomers recy­cled RecBord edg­ing man­u­fac­tured in 100%, you are build­ing an eco-friend­ly brand that cus­tomers will iden­ti­fy with. In addi­tion, you are offer­ing cus­tomers a non-tox­ic prod­uct that is safe for chil­dren and ani­mals, as the edg­ing does not release tox­ic sub­stances into the soil.

Here is your simple plan for separating paths, alleys and beds

RecBord edg­ings are avail­able in 3 dif­fer­ent heights, mak­ing them com­pat­i­ble with any lawn, tree and fence. Order as many as you need — we don’t require a min­i­mum order quan­ti­ty. You will receive the edg­ing with­in 24 hours.


Order garden edgings with a guarantee straight from the manufacturer

Order any quan­ti­ty of gar­den edg­ings you want. Offer your cus­tomers the gar­den edg­ings that come with a 10-year qual­i­ty war­ran­ty and that do not have to be replaced every year We will send the ordered edg­ings with­in 24 hours.

Mon­day — Fri­day, 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
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