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Which agro-textile fabric for weeds?

Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
24 Jul 2024

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Read­ing time: 4 min­utes

Why use agro-fibre for weeds?

Agro fleece for weeds is an invalu­able aid in the fight against unwant­ed plants in the gar­den. Above all, its use sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces the need to use chem­i­cal her­bi­cides, which is good for both the envi­ron­ment and plant health. The main ben­e­fits of using agro-tex­tile include:

  • Pre­vent­ing weed growth by block­ing light.
  • Pro­tect­ing the soil from ero­sion and over-dry­ing, which pro­motes plant health.
  • Improve soil mois­ture by reduc­ing water evap­o­ra­tion.
  • Mak­ing it eas­i­er to keep the gar­den clean and tidy.
  • Increase crop yield by avoid­ing com­pe­ti­tion between plants and weeds.

By using agro-tex­tiles, you can also save a sig­nif­i­cant amount of time and labour that would nor­mal­ly be spent on weed­ing. Know­ing, what kind of agro-tex­tile for weeds will be the best, we can enjoy health­i­er plants, which trans­lates into high­er yields and a more beau­ti­ful gar­den.

Agro fleece for weeds — which is the best?

Choos­ing agro-fibre for weedsIt is worth pay­ing atten­tion to a few key fac­tors that will ensure its effec­tive­ness and longevi­ty. First of all, the mate­r­i­al from which the agro-tex­tile is made plays an impor­tant role. Some are made of polypropy­lene, known for its strength and weath­er resis­tance. Anoth­er impor­tant aspect is the dura­bil­i­ty of the agro-tex­tile. The thick­er and stronger the fab­ric, the bet­ter it will block out light while pro­vid­ing long-last­ing pro­tec­tion against weeds. Colour also mat­ters — white, green and black are avail­able. For weed pro­tec­tion, it is best to choose the lat­ter option. 

Atten­tion should also be paid to water per­me­abil­i­ty. Suit­able agro-tex­tile weed con­trol should allow water and air to flow freely into the soil, which pro­motes plant health. A well-cho­sen agro-tex­tile will not only pro­tect against weed growth, but also improve soil mois­ture, which is cru­cial for soil fer­til­i­ty. Know­ing these aspects makes it eas­i­er to decide, what kind of agro-tex­tile for weeds will be the best for our gar­den.

Agro fleece for weeds — what weight?

When choos­ing a weight, the type of soil and the inten­si­ty of sun­light in the gar­den should be tak­en into account. For light sandy soils and mod­er­ate sun­shine, a 50–70 g/m² agro-tex­tile will be suit­able. Such a fab­ric is effec­tive in block­ing out light while pro­vid­ing ade­quate water and air per­me­abil­i­ty. How­ev­er, for heav­ier clay soils and areas with strong sun­light, a high­er weight agro-tex­tile of 100–120 g/m² is rec­om­mend­ed to bet­ter pro­tect against weeds and soil ero­sion. Lighter agro-tex­tiles, with a weight of 30–40 g/m², can be used for tem­po­rary cov­ers in flower or veg­etable beds. Choos­ing the right gram­mage will help main­tain the health of the plants and the effec­tive­ness of the agro-tex­tile depend­ing on the spe­cif­ic gar­den con­di­tions.

How to properly lay agro-fibre in the garden?

In order to make effec­tive use of agro-fibre for weedsThe soil must be prop­er­ly laid in the gar­den. First pre­pare the soil prop­er­ly: remove all vis­i­ble weeds, stones and oth­er dirt, and then dig it well and lev­el it. This will avoid uneven­ness and ensure bet­ter adhe­sion of the fab­ric to the ground. A key step is to spread the agro-tex­tile fab­ric. in an even man­ner so that every part of the sur­face is ade­quate­ly cov­ered. It is impor­tant that the fab­ric is not too tight or too loose.

Then, in order to pre­vent the mate­r­i­al from mov­ing, it needs to be fixed prop­er­ly. This can be done with spe­cial pins or fix­ing pins, which are dri­ven into the ground every 50 cm or so. Final­ly, the areas around the plants can be gen­tly exposed by pulling the agro-tex­tile to the sides, which will ensure that the plants can grow freely. 

The most common mistakes when using agro fleece for weeds

When using agro-tex­tile weed con­trol The most com­mon mis­takes are inad­e­quate soil prepa­ra­tion and inad­e­quate fix­ing of the fab­ric. Poor soil prepa­ra­tion, such as leav­ing weed debris, stones or an uneven ground, can affect the effec­tive­ness of the agro-tex­tile, lead­ing to uneven­ness and areas where weeds can break through. To avoid this, thor­ough­ly remove all weeds, stones and oth­er debris and lev­el the ground before spread­ing the fab­ric to ensure bet­ter adhe­sion of the mate­r­i­al.

Anoth­er mis­take is not fix­ing the agro-tex­tile fab­ric prop­er­ly. Pieces of fab­ric that are too loose or sag­ging can eas­i­ly shift under the influ­ence of wind or water, cre­at­ing gaps through which weeds can pen­e­trate. To ensure effec­tive­ness, agro-tex­tile should be secure­ly fas­tened to the ground using spe­cial fix­ing pins at approx­i­mate­ly 50 cm inter­vals. It is impor­tant that the fab­ric is well ten­sioned. By know­ing these mis­takes and how to avoid them, you can use the agro-tex­tile effec­tive­ly and pro­vide pro­tec­tion against weeds.

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Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor