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What to fence the beds with?

Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
03 Apr 2024

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Read­ing time: 5 min­utes

Why fence the beds?

Fenc­ing the beds is more than aes­thet­ics — it is an effec­tive way of increas­ing the pro­tec­tion of our plants. When choos­ing what to fence in the bedsSev­er­al key fac­tors need to be con­sid­ered. The first and most impor­tant of these is pro­tec­tion from pests that can harm our plants. There are var­i­ous forms of pests, from small insects to larg­er ani­mals that may be inter­est­ed in our gar­den. With the right fenc­ing the beds we can min­imise the threat they pose.

Fenc­ing the beds is also about the thought­ful organ­i­sa­tion of space. Tidi­ness is some­thing that catch­es the eye and adds to the aes­thet­ic appeal of our gar­den. A well-planned, organ­ised gar­den can increase the aes­thet­ic val­ue of our prop­er­ty. Think­ing about, what to fence in the bedsWe should also con­sid­er the dura­bil­i­ty of the mate­ri­als and ease of main­te­nance or repair. Ulti­mate­ly, the deci­sion depends on our per­son­al pref­er­ences, needs and pos­si­bil­i­ties. When choos­ing the right fenc­ing the beds, we can sig­nif­i­cant­ly improve the qual­i­ty of our gar­den by grow­ing plants in a safe, con­trolled space.

Types of fencing for beds

Choos­ing fenc­ing for beds, there are var­i­ous options avail­able to us, which vary in mate­r­i­al, per­for­mance and style. Among the pop­u­lar types fenc­ing of beds there are plas­tic bor­ders, which are light­weight, easy to install and pro­vide good pro­tec­tion against small pests. This is a min­i­mal­ist and mod­ern solu­tion. Anoth­er option is wood fenc­ing, which has a nat­ur­al look that fits well with the aes­thet­ics of the gar­den. Wood­en fenc­ing of beds How­ev­er, they are vul­ner­a­ble to the weath­er and may require reg­u­lar main­te­nance and replace­ment. We can’t for­get about met­al fences either — they are strong, weath­er­proof and pro­vide an effec­tive pro­tec­tive bar­ri­er, but are more dif­fi­cult to form.

There­fore, when select­ing fenc­ing of beds It is worth con­sid­er­ing var­i­ous fac­tors, such as pest pro­tec­tion, weath­er resis­tance, aes­thet­ics and per­son­al pref­er­ences and abil­i­ties, in order to select the best solu­tion for you.

How do you choose the perfect raised bed fence?

Decid­ing, what to fence in the beds, first and fore­most take into account the type of plants you plan to grow, as well as your per­son­al pref­er­ences and pos­si­bil­i­ties. Bed fenc­ing should not only ful­fil its pri­ma­ry func­tion of pro­tect­ing the plants, but should also fit in with the look and feel of the gar­den.

The first thing to con­sid­er is the choice of mate­r­i­al. Wood, con­crete or plas­tic? Each has its pros and cons, which we dis­cussed ear­li­er. It is also worth pay­ing atten­tion to aes­thet­ics — whether the cho­sen fenc­ing the bed Does it fit in with the rest of the gar­den, or does it dom­i­nate and over­whelm oth­er ele­ments? A good approach is to main­tain styl­is­tic con­sis­ten­cy. Also think about how big you want it to be fenc­ing the bed — too low may not serve its pur­pose and too high will be imprac­ti­cal. Tak­ing all these aspects into account, you will cer­tain­ly be able to choose the ide­al fenc­ing the bed.

Fence installation step by step

Assem­bly fenc­ing of beds is a process that requires prop­er plan­ning and prepa­ra­tion. Exam­ples of mate­r­i­al that will allow us to install eas­i­ly are gar­den edg­ing made of plas­tic. When choos­ing such a solu­tion, fol­low the guide­lines below.

Step one is to care­ful­ly mea­sure the space where the edg­ing is to be installed and then mark the area in ques­tion to ensure prop­er place­ment. Con­sid­er access to sun­light and the type of plants being grown.

The next step is to pre­pare the ground — this involves remov­ing any obsta­cles such as stones or weeds and lev­el­ling the sur­face. Once the ground is pre­pared, we can move on to the instal­la­tion gar­den edg­ing. We start by lay­ing them out accord­ing to our plan, mak­ing sure they are sta­ble. In the case of dif­fi­cult shapes, some gar­den edg­ing may require trim­ming or shap­ing. To bend the edg­ing into any shape, place it in the sun for a while — this will make it more flex­i­ble. Once the edg­ing has been laid, we can fill the beds with soil and start plant­i­ng.

Maintenance of bed fences

Regard­less of type fences for beds, main­te­nance work should include reg­u­lar clean­ing or water­proof­ing, espe­cial­ly for wood­en fences that are exposed to the weath­er. Dur­ing main­te­nance, it is worth check­ing that fenc­ing for beds has not been dam­aged by pests or oth­er fac­tors. In the event of dam­age, it may be nec­es­sary to repair or replace indi­vid­ual com­po­nents. Plas­tic fences require much less work, but they too should be sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly checked — occa­sion­al cracks may appear. All this will con­tribute to the longevi­ty and effec­tive­ness of our fenc­ing of bedsensur­ing opti­mum con­di­tions for the plants.

Creative ideas for fencing a raised bed

If you are look­ing for inspi­ra­tion, here are a few ideas that are sure to add charm to your gar­den. The first sug­ges­tion is to use an old lad­der as a fenc­ing of beds. It’s a great way to recy­cle and give your gar­den a retro feel. The lad­der can be paint­ed in any colour to match the rest of the gar­den ele­ments.

Anoth­er idea is to use glass bot­tles to cre­ate a fences for beds. The bot­tles can be dug into the ground with the neck down, cre­at­ing an inter­est­ing visu­al effect. If you want to give your gar­den a bit of nat­u­ral­ness, you can opt for a fenc­ing for beds from tree branch­es. This not only looks aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing, but is also eco­log­i­cal and cheap. These and many oth­er ideas for fenc­ing the beds will allow you to cre­ate a gar­den with a unique style that is sure to attract many stares.

How­ev­er, for those look­ing for sim­ple and tried-and-test­ed solu­tions, sim­ply edg­ing made from plas­tic (prefer­ably recy­cled) will be a good choice. They can be used in a num­ber of ways, accord­ing to your idea.

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Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor