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Lawn grids — ground stabilisation and greenery protection

An unpaved dri­ve­way with­out ade­quate pro­tec­tion quick­ly los­es its struc­ture, lead­ing to ruts, mud and uneven­ness. Lawn grids The open­work design allows the grass to pen­e­trate through the open­ings, cre­at­ing a sta­ble sur­face that is resis­tant to com­paction. Thanks to the open­work struc­ture, the grass pen­e­trates through the open­ings, cre­at­ing a sta­ble sur­face that is resis­tant to com­paction — a solu­tion for home gar­dens and inten­sive­ly used recre­ation­al areas alike.

Plas­tic grilles for the lawn are ide­al for gar­dens and recre­ation­al areas, but will also work well for dri­ve­ways and park­ing areas. Made of durable plas­tics, they will eas­i­ly with­stand many years of use in chang­ing envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions. Check out the avail­able vari­ants and choose the one that best meets your require­ments!

Plastic lawn grids — a solution for years to come

Robust­ness plas­tic lawn grids depends on the type of mate­r­i­al used and the specifics of the con­struc­tion. Mod­els made of high-den­si­ty poly­eth­yl­ene (HDPE) or polypropy­lene (PP) are char­ac­terised by resis­tance to UV radi­a­tion, frost and mois­ture. The plas­tic does not crum­ble, deform or warp, and retains its prop­er­ties over the years, elim­i­nat­ing the need for fre­quent replace­ment.

Open con­struc­tion plas­tic grids under the lawn allows prop­er water infil­tra­tion into the soil, which pre­vents pud­dles and pro­tects the root sys­tem of the plants. Thanks to its elas­tic­i­ty and high bear­ing capac­i­ty lawn grids per­form well under both pedes­tri­an and light vehic­u­lar traf­fic, effec­tive­ly sta­bil­is­ing the ground with­out the risk of dam­age.

Application and selection of plastic lawn grids

The choice of the appro­pri­ate mod­el depends on the intend­ed load and field con­di­tions. Plas­tic lawn grids with a small­er thick­ness are designed for recre­ation­al areas such as gar­dens, foot­paths or green spaces near the prop­er­ty. Their design allows grass to grow freely, while pre­vent­ing tram­pling and sub­si­dence.

In high­er traf­fic areas, such as dri­ve­ways or car parks at res­i­den­tial prop­er­ties, the fol­low­ing will work well lawn and park­ing grateThe mod­u­lar design allows rapid instal­la­tion and adap­ta­tion to irreg­u­lar sur­faces, result­ing in a sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tion in the prob­lem of ruts and mud in the most fre­quent­ly used areas. The mod­u­lar design allows quick instal­la­tion and adap­ta­tion to irreg­u­lar sur­faces, result­ing in a sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tion in the prob­lem of ruts and mud in the most fre­quent­ly used areas.

Construction of a plastic lawn screen

Lawn grids are ver­sa­tile prod­ucts that can be adapt­ed pre­cise­ly to the spe­cif­ic ground con­di­tions and the intend­ed load. Stan­dard mod­els have a mod­ule area of 50×50 cm, with a height of around 5 cm. The high­er the design, the high­er the pres­sure dis­tri­b­u­tion capac­i­ty, which is impor­tant for use on dri­ve­ways or in areas with reg­u­lar vehi­cle traf­fic.

Con­struc­tion plas­tic grids for the lawn is based on a cel­lu­lar sys­tem that ensures even load dis­tri­b­u­tion and allows rain­wa­ter to drain freely. Thanks to the pre­cise mod­u­lar hooks, the instal­la­tion of the plas­tic grid under the lawn is quick and requires no spe­cial tools. The seg­ments can be freely com­bined, adapt­ing the pave­ment to irreg­u­lar ter­rain shapes.

Benefits of lawn grids

Plas­tic grid for lawn effec­tive­ly rein­forces the ground, pro­tects the green­ery and con­sol­i­dates the pave­ment. With its appli­ca­tion you gain:

  • Ground sta­bil­i­sa­tion — elim­i­na­tion of ruts, ground col­lapse and soil sub­si­dence.
  • Free water drainage — pre­ven­tion of pud­dles and exces­sive soil com­paction.
  • Load resis­tance — usable by pedes­tri­ans, cyclists and light vehi­cles.
  • Long-term dura­bil­i­ty — no degra­da­tion by mois­ture, frost or UV radi­a­tion.
  • Easy assem­bly and dis­as­sem­bly — The mod­u­lar design allows seg­ments to be quick­ly joined togeth­er with­out the need for tools.

Thanks to these prop­er­ties plas­tic lawn grids pro­vide a prac­ti­cal solu­tion for gar­dens, eco­log­i­cal car parks and recre­ation­al areas.

Plastic lawn grids — price and availability

Cost plas­tic lawn grids depends on its thick­ness, load-bear­ing capac­i­ty and mod­ule dimen­sions. Light­weight mod­els for gar­dens and recre­ation­al areas are less expen­sive than heavy-duty vari­ants for dri­ve­ways and park­ing areas. Thanks to the wide range plas­tic lawn grids can be select­ed to suit your spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tion, and their mod­u­lar design allows opti­mum use of the mate­r­i­al in any area. Check out the options avail­able and choose the solu­tion to suit your needs — our advi­sors will help you decide.

Opt for plastic grids under your lawn — a product to suit your needs

Lawn grids are an effec­tive solu­tion for those look­ing for durable ground pro­tec­tion while main­tain­ing the nat­ur­al per­me­abil­i­ty of the soil. The right choice of mate­r­i­al, con­struc­tion and load-bear­ing capac­i­ty allows them to be used both in gar­dens and on dri­ve­ways or car parks. Thanks to their mod­u­lar con­struc­tion, instal­la­tion is quick and the effect is long-last­ing. Check out the avail­able mod­els and choose plas­tic grid for the lawnwhich best suits the ter­rain con­di­tions and the intend­ed load.