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RecBord W‑PIN 16 anchor peg

It is used for fix­ing hoses/drip lines to the ground. Anchor man­u­fac­tured in Poland — made of 100% recy­cled plas­tic. The mate­r­i­al is weath­er resis­tant for many years.

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Fix­ing hoses/drip lines to the ground.

Tech­ni­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tions

Anchor length: 16 cm
Anchor weight: 17 g


Advantages of the RecBord W‑PIN 16 anchor

RecBord W‑PIN 16 anchor peg is the ide­al solu­tion for any­one who val­ues sus­tain­abil­i­ty and eco-friend­li­ness. Made entire­ly from recy­cled plas­tic, it is the per­fect choice for those who care about the envi­ron­ment. With a length of 16 cm, it pro­vides ade­quate, sta­ble fix­ing of drip hoses to the ground, which is cru­cial in any irri­ga­tion sys­tem. Durable mate­ri­als guar­an­tee a long life and resis­tance to var­i­ous weath­er con­di­tions, ensur­ing that the anchors will last for many sea­sons. Ease of use is anoth­er of its strengths — they allow seam­less drip hoses, which will allow water to be dis­trib­uted quick­ly and effi­cient­ly, min­imis­ing the effort and time required for instal­la­tion. By choos­ing Samm­ler RecBord prod­ucts, you are assured that your plants will be watered effi­cient­ly and eco­log­i­cal­ly, and you will save on run­ning costs. Take advan­tage of our range and see for your­self the many ben­e­fits of the Durable anchor To fix­ing of drip hoses in your gar­den!

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