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Agro-textile 80g/m² brown 2.1 m with UV

Long-term garden protection and aesthetics

The 80g/m² brown agro-tex­tile 2.1 m with UV avail­able in our range is a reli­able way to pro­tect the soil from unwant­ed weeds in the long term, while sig­nif­i­cant­ly improv­ing the aes­thet­ics of your gar­den. Thanks to its high UV resis­tance, our prod­uct retains its prop­er­ties for many sea­sons, guar­an­tee­ing max­i­mum use of its poten­tial. The dark brown colour of the agro-woven fab­ric blends in per­fect­ly with the nat­ur­al sur­round­ings, giv­ing your gar­den a neat and pro­fes­sion­al look. The use of 80g/m² brown agro-tex­tile 2.1m with UV not only allows you to main­tain opti­mum soil mois­ture, but also to strength­en the root sys­tem of your plants, pro­mot­ing their healthy devel­op­ment. This prod­uct fea­tures a per­me­able struc­ture that allows water and air to flow freely to the roots, which is cru­cial for a healthy plant envi­ron­ment. By choos­ing agro-tex­tile fab­ric from Samm­ler, you are invest­ing in the dura­bil­i­ty, func­tion­al­i­ty and aes­thet­ics of your gar­den, mak­ing it a place of pride and relax­ation for you. Take advan­tage of our offer and enjoy a beau­ti­ful and well-kept gar­den for a long time.

Avail­able sizes of 80g/m² agro-woven fab­ric in our shop:

  • 1.1 x 50 m = 55 m²
  • 1.1 x 100 m = 110 m²
  • 1.6 x 50 m = 80 m²
  • 1.6 x 100 m = 160 m²
  • 2.1 x 50 m = 105 m²
  • 2.1 x 100 m = 210 m²
  • 3.2 x 50 m = 160 m²
  • 3.2 x 100 m = 320 m²
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