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Agro-textile 80g/m² black 2.1 m with UV

Advantages of the 80 g/m² black agro-textile

When you choose the 80g/m² black 2.1 m UV agro-tex­tile from Samm­ler, you get a prod­uct that makes car­ing for your gar­den sig­nif­i­cant­ly eas­i­er. The main advan­tage of this non­wo­ven agro-tex­tile is the pro­tec­tion against weeds, which means you don’t have to wor­ry about tedious weed­ing. By using it, your plants can grow freely with­out com­pet­ing with weeds for valu­able nutri­ents. Anoth­er ben­e­fit is opti­mum soil mois­ture. The agro-woven fab­ric retains mois­ture in the soil, which sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces the fre­quen­cy of water­ing your plants. This is ide­al for both hot, dry days and peri­ods of less abun­dant rain­fall. The struc­ture of the fleece allows air and water to flow freely, which has a pos­i­tive effect on the devel­op­ment of the plants’ root sys­tem. As a result, they are health­i­er, devel­op bet­ter and have a more lux­u­ri­ant crop. The 80g/m² black 2.1 m UV non­wo­ven fab­ric from Samm­ler not only improves the con­di­tion of your gar­den, but also con­tributes to its aes­thet­ic appear­ance, keep­ing your domes­tic space in a beau­ti­ful state.

Avail­able sizes of 80g/m² agro-woven fab­ric in our shop:

  • 1.1 x 50 m = 55 m²
  • 1.1 x 100 m = 110 m²
  • 1.6 x 50 m = 80 m²
  • 1.6 x 100 m = 160 m²
  • 2.1 x 50 m =105 m²
  • 2.1 x 100 m = 210 m²
  • 3.2 x 50 m = 160 m²
  • 3.2 x 100 m = 320 m²
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