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How to install lawn edging?

Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
29 Mar 2024

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Read­ing time: 5 min­utes

The importance of lawn edging in the garden

Lawn edg­ing is a key ele­ment in the design and main­te­nance of a gar­den, pro­vid­ing a clean and aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing demar­ca­tion between the lawn and oth­er parts of the gar­den such as flower beds, paths and ter­races. Their instal­la­tion not only improves the visu­al aspect of the out­door space, but also facil­i­tates the main­te­nance of green spaces by reduc­ing the spread of grass and mak­ing mow­ing eas­i­er. Depend­ing on the pre­ferred style and func­tion­al­i­ty, there are a vari­ety of mate­ri­als to choose from, such as plas­tic, met­al, stone or wood. Each offers dif­fer­ent aes­thet­ic qual­i­ties and lev­els of dura­bil­i­ty, allow­ing the edg­ing to be tai­lored to indi­vid­ual needs and the char­ac­ter of the gar­den.

Choosing the right lawn edging

Selec­tion lawn edg­ing may seem straight­for­ward, but there are sev­er­al aspects to con­sid­er in order to tai­lor them to your needs. First of all, it is worth bear­ing in mind the pur­pose they are intend­ed to ful­fil lawn edg­ing. Are they just to be an aes­thet­ic addi­tion or are they to have a prac­ti­cal func­tion, i.e. to sep­a­rate the lawn from oth­er areas?

An impor­tant ele­ment is also the mate­r­i­al of the lawn edg­ing. Wood, plas­tic, con­crete or stone — each with its own unique prop­er­ties and appear­ance that can influ­ence the style of your gar­den. Plas­tic is light and flex­i­ble, wood intro­duces warmth and nat­ur­al char­ac­ter but is less durable, and stone offers nat­ur­al beau­ty and dura­bil­i­ty.

Decid­ing, how to choose suit­able edg­ing, it is also worth pay­ing atten­tion to their instal­la­tion. Are they easy to install by your­self or do they require the help of a pro­fes­sion­al? Remem­ber that well-cho­sen and installed lawn edg­ing is not only prac­ti­cal, but can also enhance the charm and aes­thet­ics of your gar­den.

Tools required for edgebanding

You are won­der­ing how to install lawn edg­ing? To begin with, it is worth get­ting the right tools and mate­ri­als. Their choice depends on the type of edg­ing, but a few of them will cer­tain­ly come in handy regard­less of the select­ed option. The first of them is a shov­el — indis­pens­able when prepar­ing the ground and dig­ging the trench for the edg­ing. Also impor­tant is a spir­it lev­el to con­trol the cor­rect­ness of the arrange­ment and a rub­ber ham­mer to gen­tly dri­ve the edg­ing into the ground — use­ful for wood­en edg­ing and con­crete kerbs. It is also a good idea to have a saw on hand to trim the edg­ing if nec­es­sary. An impor­tant ele­ment is also pro­tec­tive gloves, which will ensure com­fort and safe­ty dur­ing work. Remem­ber that hav­ing the right tools ready is the key to suc­cess when it comes to this, how to install lawn edg­ing.

Step by step: preparing the site for edging

The instal­la­tion of edg­ing requires, first of all, care­ful site prepa­ra­tion. First draw or mark where you want to place the edg­ing. Use string or lime to mark the area so you have a visu­al idea of the tar­get place­ment.

Then pro­ceed to remove any obsta­cles such as stones, weeds or plant roots. Use a shov­el to dig a trench with a depth depend­ing on the height of the planned edg­ing. It is impor­tant to check and make sure that the bot­tom is lev­el and sta­ble. Remem­ber that metic­u­lous site prepa­ra­tion is the key to cor­rect­ly installing edg­ing that will serve you for years to come.

Installing lawn edging — practical tips

After a thor­ough site prepa­ra­tion the time has come to get down to busi­ness. So let us explain, how to install lawn edg­ing. We start by lay­ing the edg­ing in the trench you have dug — remem­ber that part of the edg­ing should extend gen­tly above ground lev­el to effec­tive­ly sep­a­rate the lawn from oth­er parts of the gar­den. Con­trol the lev­el with a spir­it lev­el to facil­i­tate this. This is cru­cial for the next stage instal­la­tion of edg­ing.

The edg­ing is then gen­tly dri­ven into the ground using a rub­ber mal­let. This step is not nec­es­sary in the case of plas­tic edg­ing. In their case, they should be fixed to the ground with anchors. The next step is to fill in the space around the edg­ing with soil to sta­bilise it. Final­ly, the whole thing needs to be com­pact­ed thor­ough­ly. It is worth remem­ber­ing that pre­ci­sion dur­ing the whole process is the key to how to prop­er­ly install lawn edg­ingto pro­vide a durable and strik­ing solu­tion for your gar­den.

How to protect lawn edging from displacement?

Edge pro­tec­tion of lawns is cru­cial to pre­vent their dis­place­ment. This can be achieved in sev­er­al ways. The first is the use of spe­cial fix­ing hooks and anchors. These serve to sta­bilise the edg­ing and keep it at the cor­rect depth. In addi­tion, prop­er prepa­ra­tion of the sub­strate before installing the edg­ing is also an impor­tant aspect. This means mak­ing sure that the sub­strate is strong and sta­ble, and that any obsta­cles or uneven­ness have been removed. Remem­ber that the cor­rect edge pro­tec­tion is the key to main­tain­ing the aes­thet­ics and sus­tain­abil­i­ty of your gar­den.

Correct installation of edging — why is it important?

Won­der­ing, how to install a lawn edg­ing? It seems like an incon­spic­u­ous task, but prop­er instal­la­tion has a sig­nif­i­cant impact on the aes­thet­ic val­ue and func­tion­al­i­ty of your gar­den. Prop­er­ly installed edg­ing cre­ates a neat appear­ance to your green space, adding to its ele­gance. They also serve as a clear divi­sion between the dif­fer­ent zones of the gar­den, mak­ing it more organ­ised and tidy.

On the plus side, their func­tion­al val­ue. Lawn edg­ing pro­tects the lawn from dam­age, pre­vent­ing the spread of veg­e­ta­tion into foot­paths or flowerbeds and restrict­ing the growth of unwant­ed weeds. They per­form an impor­tant func­tion in pro­tect­ing areas with plants with del­i­cate roots, lim­it­ing the impact of neg­a­tive­ly influ­enc­ing fac­tors such as water or ani­mals. Only through prop­er under­stand­ing, How to install a lawn edg­ing, we can enjoy both a visu­al­ly attrac­tive and prac­ti­cal gar­den for many years to come.

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Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor