Garden edging shop - Sammler Recbord
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Surface protection grilles

They pro­tect and sta­bilise usable sur­faces indoors and out­doors. Aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing and easy to self-assem­ble and main­tain. Man­u­fac­tured from recy­cled mate­r­i­al, they with­stand pres­sure and extreme tem­per­a­tures.

Surface protection grilles

Perfect indoors and outdoors

They are a great replace­ment for paving stones, flag­stones and oth­er types of paved sur­faces. And indoors they are per­fect for pro­duc­tion halls, assem­bly halls, garages or oth­er types of premis­es.

Weather resistance

Easy self-assembly and disassembly

Manufactured from recycled materials

See the production process

See the pro­duc­tion of RecBord anchor pegs and pins.

Are you a designer or wholesaler?

Are you inter­est­ed in buy­ing whole­sale floor grat­ings, park­ing grat­ings or do you have ques­tions? Write to us or give us a call and we will be hap­py to answer them.

Mon­day — Fri­day, 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

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