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Agro-textile 50g/m² black 2.1 m with UV

Excellence in weed control and moisture maintenance

Agro­tex­tile 50g/m² black 2,1 m with UV is the per­fect solu­tion for every gar­den­er who wants to effec­tive­ly pro­tect their soil from unwant­ed weeds, while at the same time ensur­ing opti­mal soil mois­ture. Our Samm­ler com­pa­ny offers a prod­uct that, thanks to its struc­ture, allows water and air to pass through, allow­ing the root sys­tem of the plants to devel­op health­ily. By choos­ing 50g/m² black 2.1 m agro-tex­tile with UV, you can be sure that your plants will have ide­al grow­ing con­di­tions and that the soil will retain suf­fi­cient mois­ture. The excep­tion­al dura­bil­i­ty and UV resis­tance of the 50g/m² black 2,1 m UV non­wo­ven ensures that the soil is pro­tect­ed over the long term, elim­i­nat­ing the need for con­stant weed­ing. So why not take advan­tage of our range and incor­po­rate agro-tex­tile 50g/m² black 2.1m with UV into your gar­den to enjoy health­i­er plants and a neat, aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing envi­ron­ment. Avail­able in a wide range of sizes, this prod­uct will meet the expec­ta­tions of pro­fes­sion­als and ama­teurs alike.

Avail­able sizes of 50g/m² agro-woven fab­ric in our shop:

  • 1.1 x 50 m = 55 m²
  • 1.1 x 100 m = 110 m²
  • 1.6 x 50 m = 80 m²
  • 1.6 x 100 m = 160 m²
  • 2.1 x 50 m =105 m²
  • 2.1 x 100 m = 210 m²
  • 3.2 x 50 m = 160 m²
  • 3.2 x 100 m = 320 m²
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