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What to make garden borders out of?

Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
05 Apr 2024

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Read­ing time: 5 min­utes

Stylish and functional: borders to match the garden

Won­der­ing, what to use for bor­ders in the gar­den? The choice of mate­ri­als is wide, and each has its own unique advan­tages that make your gar­den even more attrac­tive. Mate­ri­als for gar­den bor­ders include stone, wood, met­al, brick or plas­tic. Each offers a dif­fer­ent style and a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions.

Stone is ide­al for those who want to cre­ate a nat­ur­al and rus­tic envi­ron­ment, while wood adds warmth and is ide­al for Scan­di­na­vian-style gar­dens. Brick adds a mod­ern look, while plas­tic is light­weight and easy to install. 

First and fore­most, what­ev­er the choice, gar­den edg­ing should ful­fil its pri­ma­ry role — to sep­a­rate the dif­fer­ent parts of the gar­den, pro­tect the plants and facil­i­tate tidi­ness. Diverse mate­ri­als make it pos­si­ble to cre­ate orig­i­nal com­po­si­tions and give gar­dens an indi­vid­ual char­ac­ter.

Plastic edging: why is it worth it?

Plas­tic edg­ing is becom­ing increas­ing­ly pop­u­lar among gar­den­ing enthu­si­asts due to its numer­ous advan­tages. Above all, they are char­ac­terised by their high flex­i­bil­i­ty, which allows them to eas­i­ly adapt to the most com­plex shapes and lines in the gar­den. In addi­tion, they are extreme­ly resis­tant to chang­ing weath­er con­di­tions, which guar­an­tees that they will retain their aes­thet­ic appear­ance for a long time with­out the need for fre­quent renew­al or replace­ment. Plas­tic is not sub­ject to rot­ting process­es or attrac­tive to pests, mak­ing it an excel­lent alter­na­tive to tra­di­tion­al mate­ri­als such as wood. Ease of instal­la­tion is anoth­er argu­ment in favour of their choice; plas­tic edg­ing can be installed quick­ly and effi­cient­ly, requir­ing no spe­cial­ist tools or skills. It is also worth not­ing the eco­log­i­cal aspect — by choos­ing edg­ing made from recy­cled plas­tic, we con­tribute to reduc­ing the amount of waste and pro­mote a sus­tain­able approach to man­ag­ing the space around us.

Practical application of edging

Appli­ca­tion perime­ter around trees or shrubs has many ben­e­fits, both aes­thet­ic and prac­ti­cal. One of the most impor­tant aspects is the pro­tec­tion of the root sys­tem. The bor­ders reduce the risk of root dam­age dur­ing gar­den­ing work, which is cru­cial for the health and growth of trees. In addi­tion, they make it eas­i­er to keep things tidy by pre­vent­ing grass­es, rhi­zomes and weeds from grow­ing right next to the trunk. This makes mow­ing eas­i­er.

They are undoubt­ed­ly one of the most impor­tant ele­ments of any gar­den, regard­less of its style or size. The main func­tion of the bor­ders is of course to sep­a­rate the dif­fer­ent parts of the gar­den, but thanks to the vari­ety of mate­ri­als avail­able, they can also become an impor­tant dec­o­ra­tive ele­ment, empha­sis­ing the char­ac­ter of the gar­den and har­mo­nious­ly con­nect­ing the dif­fer­ent parts.

Step by step: how to make borders in the garden?

If you are won­der­ing, how to make bor­ders in the gar­den, the first step is to choose the right mate­r­i­al. As we men­tioned above, it can be stone, wood, met­al or brick, but the most pop­u­lar is plas­tic — it all depends on the style of your gar­den. The next step is to pre­pare the site for the edg­ing — it needs to be marked and cleared of any rub­bish, grass or stones that may hin­der the instal­la­tion. The next step is to install the edg­ing itself. Remem­ber to keep ade­quate clear­ance from the tree roots so as not to inter­fere with their nat­ur­al func­tion­ing. Let us also take care that the edg­ing does not restrict the flow of water.

A prop­er­ly select­ed and installed bor­der is a guar­an­tee not only of the beau­ti­ful appear­ance of our gar­den, but also of its health and tidi­ness. Remem­ber that patience and thor­ough­ness are the key qual­i­ties of a good gar­den­er, so do every­thing step by step and enjoy the beau­ti­ful end result.

Why are edging an essential part of any garden?

Gar­den edg­ing is an essen­tial ele­ment in cre­at­ing a thought­ful and har­mo­nious out­door space. Their use trans­lates not only into an aes­thet­ic fin­ish of the gar­den, but also into its func­tion­al­i­ty. Thanks to them, it is pos­si­ble to clear­ly sep­a­rate indi­vid­ual zones, such as flowerbeds, paths or lawns, which facil­i­tates space organ­i­sa­tion and plant care. Edg­ing also helps to main­tain order by pre­vent­ing the spread of veg­e­ta­tion and main­tain­ing bound­aries between dif­fer­ent parts of the gar­den. Fur­ther­more, they pro­tect against soil ero­sion and main­tain the shape of the arrange­ment, even in dif­fi­cult weath­er con­di­tions. The choice of edg­ing mate­r­i­al allows it to match the style of the gar­den and the own­er’s indi­vid­ual pref­er­ences. From the clas­sic ele­gance of stone to the mod­ern look of plas­tic, the pos­si­bil­i­ties are almost end­less. It is also worth empha­sis­ing that appro­pri­ate­ly select­ed edg­ing can empha­sise the nat­ur­al beau­ty of plants and gar­den com­po­si­tions, con­sti­tut­ing their sub­tle back­ground or a strik­ing frame. As a result, edg­ing is a key ele­ment that helps to cre­ate a coher­ent and attrac­tive space, while ensur­ing that it is long-last­ing and easy to main­tain.

Inspirations for your garden

Look­ing for ideas, what to use for bor­ders in the gar­den? We have pre­pared some inspir­ing ideas to help you choose the per­fect solu­tion. Gar­den bor­ders open up a wide range of design pos­si­bil­i­ties, allow­ing us to cre­ate flowerbeds and paths in unique, non-stan­dard shapes. Thanks to them, we can eas­i­ly sep­a­rate var­i­ous zones in the gar­den, cre­at­ing both sim­ple, geo­met­ric lines and more flu­id, organ­ic forms. Using the bor­ders, we can design flowerbeds that look like free-flow­ing streams of colour, or paths rem­i­nis­cent of wind­ing for­est tracks, which will intro­duce an ele­ment of mys­tery and nat­u­ral­ness to the gar­den.

A vari­ety of edg­ing mate­ri­als and tex­tures can also be used for inspi­ra­tion, bring­ing the gar­den to life and adding char­ac­ter. When cre­at­ing paths, you can play with con­trasts — the soft lines of the lawn bro­ken by the sharp edges of the stone edg­ing will cre­ate an intrigu­ing visu­al effect. The cre­ative use of edg­ing in the gar­den allows you to per­son­alise your space and express your indi­vid­ual aes­thet­ic pref­er­ences, allow­ing each gar­den to become a unique work of applied art.

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Kacper Miko­la­jew­icz
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor