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Agro-textile 50g/m² black 3.2 m with UV

Black non-woven agro-tex­tile 50 g/m² is an excel­lent mulching solu­tion that will be used by pro­fes­sion­al gar­den­ers and farm­ers as well as ama­teur gar­den­ers. This prod­uct is avail­able in dif­fer­ent widths from 1.1 metres to 3.2 metres and is dis­tin­guished by its unique sus­tain­abil­i­ty and resis­tance to UV radi­a­tionwhich guar­an­tees long-last­ing use.

The agro-tex­tile pro­tects the soil from weed growth, main­tains opti­mum soil mois­ture, strength­ens root sys­tem of plants and improves the aes­thet­ics of the gar­den. It is a mate­r­i­al that accel­er­ates plant growth and sup­ports healthy devel­op­ment. Its struc­ture allows water and air to pass through, which is impor­tant for a healthy root envi­ron­ment. This allows the plants to thrive bet­terand the gar­den looks neat and tidy. If you need agro-tex­tile fab­ric for your gar­den, it is worth choos­ing this black ver­sion with a weight of 50 g/m²which will meet your expec­ta­tions and allow you to enjoy a beau­ti­ful and well-kept home envi­ron­ment.

Avail­able sizes of 50g/m² agro-woven fab­ric in our shop:

  • 1.1 x 50 m = 55 m²
  • 1.1 x 100 m = 110 m²
  • 1.6 x 50 m = 80 m²
  • 1.6 x 100 m = 160 m²
  • 2.1 x 50 m =105 m²
  • 2.1 x 100 m = 210 m²
  • 3.2 x 50 m = 160 m²
  • 3.2 x 100 m = 320 m²
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